Fasting Intermittent Errors, Here's The Discussion

YOGYAKARTA - Intermittent fasting is one of the well-known dietary procedures. However, in practice, there are still many people implementing a fasting intermittent diet error that makes the results not optimal.

Many people take this diet to lose weight to increase overall health. Many studies have found that this diet has a positive impact on the body and extends the life expectancy rate.

Launching from Healthline, the diet of intermittent fasting is a diet that is divided into 2 periods, namely fasting and eating. This diet does not determine what dishes must be eaten, but when a person is obliged to eat.

This fasting procedure links fasting for 16 hours every day or fasting for 24 hours which is done 2 times a week.

However, nutritionist Mia Holm said that in practice, there are still many people who make mistakes when doing intermittent fasting patterns. He also emphasized that fasting cannot be done by everyone.

Here are some fasting intermittent diet errors according to experts to note, citing the South China Morning Post.

I. Consumption of calorie Drinks while Fasting

Intermittent fasting allows you to always get liquid consumption throughout the fasting period. However, not with calorie drinks such as milk or coffee with sugar, including coconut water.

"The best thing is to drink only water," said Holm. To fill the body's electrolytes, you can increase a little salt into drinking water.

II. Lack of drinking water

At the beginning of fasting, when the body burns glycogen, you will actually release water into the bloodstream.

However, after glycogen deposits run out, the body will not have carbohydrates and water to reuse. Thus, extra hydration is very valuable in intermittent fasting.

III. Consume Unhealthy Cooking During the Eating Period

Many people fast after 16 hours of fasting. As a result, instead of consuming healthy meals, they instead sort out high-calorie foods to eat.

Meanwhile, this rutility can cancel the health benefits provided with a fasting intermittent diet for the agency.

"It's important for you to eat healthy meals throughout the meal period," said Holm.

IV. Heavy Sports During Fasting

It's okay if you want to do light exercise throughout the fasting period. However, exercising with high seriousness accompanied by limiting calorie intake will only bring too much pressure on the body.

V. Fasting A Week Before Haid Or When Pregnant

Holm said fasting has been stressful for a long time. This situation will increase the production of cortisol which is a stress hormone.

"Because progesterone is a precursor of cortisol, until when cortisol increases, progesteron content shrinks," Holm explained.

Please note, one week before menstruation is a time when the progesteron content begins to decline. Fasting at this time will only make the progesteron content decrease more extreme.

Women need to know, low progesteron content will cause irregular menstruation and the emergence of pre-menstruation patches. Not only that, women can also experience mood disorders, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression.

VI. Eating Too Little

This diet does not prevent the number of calories eaten. However, it is more about limiting meal times.

"Eating too little or less than 1,200 calories per day during the meal period will only lead to a decrease in muscle mass and slow down metabolism," Holm warned.

VII. Dinner is too late

Part one is related to the rhythm of the sirkadian. The body is designed to eat during the day and rest after sunset. Eating too late will disturb the rhythm of the circadier and disturb the sleep cycle.

"Research shows that eating too late will increase the risk of type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity," said Holm.

In addition, you should also know: 'Regardable Facts Related to Fasting's Diet of Intermittent Before Living It'.

So after knowing the fault of the fasting intermittent, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!