Mother's Breastfeeding Pattern: Here's The Full Explanation

YOGYAKARTA - In order to support the quality of breast milk and baby growth and development, you as breastfeeding mothers must maintain what is called a good diet. So what is the good diet of breastfeeding mothers?

Breastfeeding is not a light job so it needs to be supported by many nutrients. Moreover, breastfeeding consumes a lot of energy and nutrients found in the nursing mother's body. For this reason, it is important to maintain the diet of breastfeeding that provides the necessary nutrition throughout breastfeeding.

Some of the important nutrients needed include intake of protein, calcium, bezi, iodine, vitamin D, and other vitamins. And, try to always eat in an orderly manner and include several kinds of healthy foods.

Eating well during breastfeeding is supposed to help You meet the needs of additional nutrition and the demands of taking care of newborns. Also try to free up time on the sidelines of busyness You make meals regularly, including food from all food groups, as reported by the Better Health page.

It is necessary to know that breastfeeding, especially burning a lot of energy. Some of the energy found comes from fats that are stored during pregnancy, maybe they will be drained. However, breastfeeding always needs to eat extra snacks to meet their energy needs.

A steady weight loss to weight before two bodies should be the goal and not a fast weight loss. Therefore, use the right diet to always protect your nutritional needs as long as breastfeeding is met and control your weight at a stable number.

Choose Nutrient Foods Along Breastfeeding

Producing breast milk is very demanding for the body and requires overall extra calories and more special nutrients. In fact, the need for breastfeeding mothers is estimated to increase by around 500 calories per day. Certain nutritional needs, including protein, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, B12, selenium, and zinc also increased.

This is why consuming various complete nutritious dishes is very important for your health and your baby. Choosing a nutrient-rich meal can certainly help ensure breastfeeding obtain all the macro and micro nutrients you and your little one need.

Here are some choices of nutritious and delicious food that need priority when breastfeeding:

As long as you are breastfeeding, the food guide is indeed important to fulfill but you can fulfill it by not only being limited to the above food.

Every now and then, you may be able to enjoy a healthy favorite food. However, you should always reduce the intake of processed foods such as fast food and sweetselves as much as possible. In contrast, keep sorting out more nutritious foods as Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN, quoted from the Healthline page.

In addition, according to the doctor, it turned out that the child was 15 - 30 Minutes old.

So after knowing the diet of breastfeeding mothers, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!