What Is Human Papillomavirus: Here's An Explanation And Cause

YOGYAKARTA - When talking about what human papillomavirus or HPV is, of course, it is a DNA virus that can cause problems in the genital skin. such as warts on the skin to potentially cause cervical cancer.

If someone is infected with HPV, it will be transmitted through direct contact. Although most infections are harmless, it is known that in 95% cases cervical cancer is usually found to have the HPV virus. Wow!

But calm down, the good news is that there is currently a HPV vaccination that can help prevent the risk of infection with the virus.

Human papillomavirus or HPV is a type of virus that can cause inflammation on the skin's surface, usually in the form of warts in several areas of the body, such as shoulders, face, feet, to the genital area.

Not only that, the HPV virus is a virus that is the main trigger for the formation of cervical cancer in women. Even so, inflammation of the HPV virus can hit anyone, be it men (20-24 years) or women (16-19 years).

HPV is a type of infectious virus that can be transmitted through sexual activity. Although sometimes it doesn't cause symptoms at first, when this virus manages to last long in the body, it will risk causing warts on the skin's surface. Not infrequently this disease is also associated with gonore and syphilic.

Cause Of HPV

The trigger for HPV inflammation is the human papillomavirus virus type 6, 11, 16, and 18 which often causes sex warts and cervical cancer. Inflammatory due to HPV initially did not produce any specific indications, but cervical or wart cancer would be formed after several years of exposure to the HPV virus.

Often HPV is said as a STD disease aka sexually transmitted diseases. There are also several conditions that can increase a person's HPV infection, namely:

Symptoms Of HPV

Inflammatory of the HPV virus often does not cause symptoms. However, in some cases, this virus can survive until it gives rise to symptoms in the form of the growth of warts on the skin's surface, such as on the arm, leg, face, and genitals. The following are the characteristics of warts on the skin according to their growing area:

I. Kutil In Shoulder, Arm, And Finger

The warts that develop in this area are in the form of bulges that feel rough and can feel pain and are prone to bleeding.

II. Kutil on the foot soles (Plantar Warts)

The warts on the soles of the feet are in the form of hard lumps and feel rough so that they create an uncomfortable feeling when treading.

III. Warts in the Face Area

The warts on the face have a flat surface (flat warts). In children, the warts on the face more often arise in the lower jaw area.

VI. Sex warts

Gender warts are in the form of a kind of cauliflower and can develop in the genitals of women or men. Not only in the genitals, but also in the cumiles can develop in the rectum and cause itching.

HPV Infection Treatment

Most of the HPV problems can go away by themselves without being addressed. However, for those who have been diagnosed with HPV inflammation, especially for women who experience genital warts, obstetricians will recommend checking again within 1 year.

This re-visit to the doctor aims to identify whether the sufferer is still infected with HPV and whether there is a cell change in the cervix (uterine neck) which risks giving rise to cervical cancer.

In addition, based on the results of the study, it turned out that Pepaya Consumption Reduced HPV Infection and Risk Lesi Serviks.

So after knowing what the human papillomavirus is, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!