IDR 150 Million In Social Assistance Fees Flow To Cita Citata, Who Performs When The Ministry Of Social Affairs Meets In Labuan Bajo

JAKARTA - New facts about the use of social assistance fees (bansos) collected from vendors of Rp.10 thousand per package were revealed in court. Not only went into the pocket of former Social Minister (Mensos) Juliari Peter Batubara, the money was also used to pay for a meeting in Labuhan Bajo to pay for the artist Cita Citata.

The use of this money was revealed by the Commitment Maker (PPK) for the procurement of COVID-19 basic food assistance at the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Matheus Joko Santoso. Originally, he was a witness in the trial of the alleged bribery for the provision of social assistance with the defendants Harry Van Sidabukke and Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja.

In the trial Matheus said that the social assistance fee used to pay the meeting bill in Labuhan Bajo reached hundreds of millions of rupiah. In fact, one bill reached Rp150 million just to pay the Cita Citata artist as a performer.

"Payment for food and drink for leadership meetings at the beginning of the end is Rp. 100 million, payer for food and drink for the volunteer social assistance team and monitoring team Rp. 200 million, Rp. 100 million for cattle, Rp. 270 million for charter plane rental Labuan Bajo, payment for artists for Labuhan Bajo meeting activities of Rp. 150 million," Matheus said in a statement. trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

Based on the information received, said Matheus, the artist invited to the Ministry of Social Affairs meeting in Labuhan Bajo was Cita Citata. But Matheus could not confirm that because he did not participate in these activities.

"The artist's information is Cita Citata, I also didn't attend," said Matheus Joko.

In addition, social assistance fees collected from vendors are also used to finance other Ministry of Social (Kemensos) activities. For example, payment for swab tests of the leaders of the Ministry of Social Affairs to Mesuji Lampung activities.

"Payment for the hotel for the public relations bureau of Rp. 80 million, payment for a COVID swab test led by the Ministry of Social Affairs Rp. 30 million, uniform for pioneer workers' clothes Rp. 80 million, payment for Mesuji Lampung activities Rp. 100 million, deployment of reporters for warehouse monitoring of Rp. 80 million," said Matheus.

However, Matheus emphasized that he did not know the reasons behind the use of social assistance fees for the activities of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Social Affairs officials. Because he only carried out orders.

On the other hand, most of the social assistance fees go to Juliari Peter Batubara. The amount reached Rp. 14.7 billion from Rp. 16.7 billion that had already been collected.

In his statement, Matheus said that the social assistance fee was given to Juliari Peter Batubara in stages but always through Adi Wahyono. All the money has already been given.

Adi Wahyono is the head of the General Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, as well as the Proxy for Budget User for the 2020 Ministry of Social Affairs' Headquarters Work Unit and Commitment Making Officer for the procurement of COVID-19 basic food assistance assistance.

"It is more or less true. I try to convey (the details) here, for the delivery to the minister through Pak Adi, Rp. 8.4 billion, given in stages. Rp. 2 billion in money, for what you don't know, just ask to hand it over," Matheus replied.

"Then I conveyed Rp3 billion in Pak Adi's room as well as the information to pay for lawyers, then I submitted Rp1.4 billion in Pak Adi's room, then I conveyed Rp2 billion at Halim Airport when I wanted to go to Semarang, I conveyed it to Mr. Adi in the parking lot. , "he continued.

Even what was surprising was the COVID-19 social assistance fee was also given to several officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs. There was even a colleague of Juliari who was given Rp. 100 million.

These Ministry of Social officials received tens to hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, the most received by the Ministry of Social Affairs Director General of Social Affairs, Pepen Nazarudin, was Rp1 billion.

This was revealed when the prosecutor read out the contents of the Investigation Report (BAP) which Matheus later agreed.

"KPA Bansos Corona Adi Wahyono Rp1 billion, Director General Linjamsos, Ministry of Social Affairs Pepen Nazarudin Rp1 billion, Karo Planning Adi Karyono Rp.550 million, Karopeg Kemensos Amin Rahardjo Rp100 million, PSKBS Director Sunarti Rp100 million, Ministry of Social Affairs staff Robbin Rp.300 million, Yogi Social Assistance Team Rp.300 million, Iskandar Rp. 250 million, Ministry of Social Affairs Rizki staff Rp. 350 million, Team Bansos Firman Rp. 250 million, and Reinhan Rp. 70 million, "said the prosecutor.

"Yes, that's right," replied Matheus.

Meanwhile, Adi Wahyono, who was also presented as a witness, had a chance to convey the use of the social assistance fee. One of them is to pay the famous lawyer Hotma Sitompul.

"There is a lawyer paying, paying for the needs of the kunker to Semarang, then there is another fee for renting an airplane," said Adi Wahyono.

Adi Wahyono explained that the lawyers' money was related to the assistance in child cases handled by the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. Adi said that this case has entered the trial process in court.

"I was called by the minister (at that time Juliari Batubara, red) to buy a lawyer," he continued.

The order to pay the lawyer was conveyed directly by Juliari Batubara. "At that time, preparing funds of around Rp. 3 billion," said Adi.

"What's his lawyer name?" asked the prosecutor.

"Pak Hotma Sitompul," answered Adi Wahyono.

The money paid by the famous lawyer Bams ex-Samsons stepfather was obtained by Adi from the former Commitment Making Officer (PPK) for COVID-19 social assistance (bansos), Matheus Joko Santoso.

For information, Harry van Sidabukke is a private party charged with bribing Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs with a total value of Rp 1.28 billion.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Tigapilar Agro Utama Ardian Iskandar Maddanatja was charged with giving Rp 1.95 billion to Juliari and a number of officials at the Ministry of Social Affairs.

The bribery was carried out so that the two defendants were appointed as Covid-19 social assistance providers at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2020.

This case began when Juliari appointed two commitment-making officials (PPK) Matheus Joko Santoso and Adi to carry out this project by directly appointing partners. The KPK suspects that it was agreed that there was a fee from the work package that partners had to pay to the Ministry of Social Affairs.

There is also a fee for each COVID-19 social assistance package agreed by Matheus and Adi of IDR 10,000 from a value of IDR 300 thousand.

Matheus and Adi then made work contracts with several suppliers as partners for providing social assistance in May-November 2020. The partners chosen were AIM, HS, and PT Rajawali Parama Indonesia alias PT RPI which allegedly belonged to Matheus and whose appointment was known to Juliari.

In the first phase of the distribution of social assistance, it is suspected that a fee of Rp 12 billion was received. Matheus gave around Rp. 8.2 billion in cash to Juliari through Adi which was then used to meet personal needs.

In this silent operation, the KPK also confiscated evidence in the form of money that had been prepared from the bribes, namely AIM and HS in one of the apartments in Jakarta and Bandung. Rp14.5 billion was kept in a number of suitcases and bags and consisted of rupiah denominations and foreign currency.