How Much Age Is Safe For Children To Drink Prebiotic Fluids

YOGYAKARTA As a provision of parenting, parents must know what probiotics are and how old children can drink probiotic drinks, such as Yakult. Because the digestive condition of children and adults is different. Then at what age can children drink probiotics?

Quoted from AI Care, probiotics are living microorganisms that are profitable because naturally these microorganisms live in the human intestines. Probiotics are known as good bacteria that will not make a person sick.

Reporting from Children's Health, probiotic drinks are drinks that are able to provide health benefits, especially in the digestive system. This drink is increasingly popular because of a study that says that gut bacteria and microbiomes in the human body have a big role in health.

"Research has shown that these bacteria communicate with our brains and immune systems," said Rinarani Sanghavi, MD, Director of Neurogastroenterology and Motility of GI at Children's Health and Associate Professor at UT Southwestern.

"They may play a big role in brain development, cognition, and mood," he continued.

Probiotic activity itself cannot be fully understood. However, from the various studies that have been carried out by probiotics, there are many benefits for the body, such as increasing the immune system to having anti-inflammatory effects. Probiotic benefits are really needed by adults, but can children consume probiotic drinks?

Related to this, it is not clear whether probiotics are really beneficial for children. However, the drink is considered not to endanger the health of children. However, dr. Sanghavi gives advice to parents to wait for their children until they are 1 year old and over before giving them probiotic drinks.

"Currently, there is not enough probiotic security data for babies," said dr. Sanghavi.

Similarly, pediatrician, dr. Kanya Ayu Paramastri, Sp.A explained that the use of probiotics could be a way out to help maintain the balance of gut probiota, as reported by Antara. That way the children's channels can be more maintained.

"The good news is that the health of the children's digestive tract can be maintained by eating foods that contain natural probiotics," explained dr. Kanya, quoted Tuesday, May 7.

Some studies say that probiotics provide benefits for emotional intelligence, brain development, allergic resistance, to prevent urinary tract infection.

If consumed in sufficient quantities, then beverages or probiotic foods will provide health benefits, especially in the intestinal and stomach area. Because bacteria in both probiotics can make neurotransmitters work effectively in the communication process that occurs between the intestines and the brain.

Not only that, dr. Kanya also explained that healthy children's digestive channels can be strengthened by the probiotics given regularly.

In addition to age, children can drink yakult, visit to get other interesting information.