Marzuki Alie: KLB Returns Democrat Spirit

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Democratic Party of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) version of Medan, Marzuki Alie, said that the cadres agreed to carry out the KLB aimed at restoring the spirit of the party.

This desire has even existed since the changes in the party body took place since the 2015 congress. Where the cadres get a report if the constitution (AD) and bylaws (ART) are changed outside the congress.

"That said, the person who handled the AD/ART draft at that time", said Marzuki to reporters, Tuesday, March 9.

The former Secretary-General of Democrats for the 2005-2010 period explained that changing the party constitution outside the congress determination is the authority of the party's upper house. This continued until the 2020 congress when a statement was drawn up asking party voters to support Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as chairman of the Democrat Party.

Where, he said, there was no discussion of the congress agenda until the congress rules. The contents of the congressional stature include the accountability of the previous chairman, discussion of accountability, whether the report is accepted or rejected, and the general chairman resigns.

Furthermore, the discussion of AD/ART until the work program was also not carried out at the 2020 congress. So, said Marzukie, there was no schedule up to the requirements for a candidate for chairman, so those who had the right to speak at the 2020 congress were told to leave the room.

"Those in the room, those who have the right to vote, and a few moments later, AHY was elected as chairman by acclamation", said Marzuki.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the High Council of the Democratic Party for the 2013-2015 period, the most crucial thing in the AD/ART is the party's upper house and its authority. Before the 2020 congress, the authority of the party's upper house only provided considerations regarding party support for candidates in regional head elections.

However, after the 2020 congress, it was finally discovered that the upper house had more authority, including that an extraordinary congress could be held with the approval of the chair of the upper house who is now the former chairman.

"For example, if AHY is now the general chairman, up to two terms, then he will then become chairman of the upper house", explained Marzuki.

So, said Marzuki, the Democrat Party had become a party belonging to the dynasty or belonging to the family only. "What needs to be questioned is whether the democratic cadres do not understand the changes to the AD/ART", he said.

Therefore, according to Marzukie, KLB Deli Serdang was an effort by cadres to restore the spirit of the party's founding under Moeldoko's leadership.

"Don't blame Sir Moeldoko, because he is willing to work together to restore the party as originally intended when forming it", he said.

It is known, the Extraordinary Congress in Deli Serdang, Friday, March 5, appointed the Presidential Chief of Staff, Moeldoko, as the general chairman of the Democrats for the period 2021-2025, and Marzuki Alie as chairman of the party's supervisory board for the same period. At least 412 participants are believed to have attended the congress.