East Kalimantan Records 394 People Healed COVID-19, The Highest In Balikpapan With 93 Cases
JAKARTA - Spokesman for the COVID-19 Task Force for East Kalimantan Province Andi Muhammad Ishak said that the development of corona virus cases continues to be dominated by an increase in recovered patients.
As of Monday, March 8, there were 394 patients who had recovered. The highest additional cases of recovery occurred in the city of Balikpapan with a total of 93 cases.
Followed, Kutai Kartanegara 87 cases, Samarinda 70 cases, Paser 39 cases, Bontang 39 cases, East Kutai 31 cases, Mahakm Ulu 7 cases, West Kutai 4 cases and North Panajam Paser 3 cases.
"COVID-19 cases in East Kalimantan continue to reduce, daily updates are more cases recovered than positive confirmed cases, currently the accumulation of COVID-19 cases in East Kalimantan has reached 50,887 cases", said Andi M.
He mentioned that positive confirmed cases had also increased with the number of 142 cases, and currently the total positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 in East Kalimantan has reached 58,181 cases.
Additional positive confirmed cases occurred in Berau with 13 cases, West Kutai 5 cases, Kutai Kartanegara 20 cases, East Kutai 29 cases, Paser 9 cases, North Penajam Paser 3 cases, Balikpapan 33 cases, Bontang 15 cases and Samarinda 15 cases.
Andi added that there were 6 cases of death with details in Berau 2 cases, 1 case in Kutai Kartanegara, 2 cases in Balikpapan and 1 case in Bontang.
"The number of death cases continues to increase, currently there are as many as 1,369 cases of COVID-19 deaths in East Kalimantan", said Andi.
He emphasized that there were 5,925 patients with COVID-19 who are still undergoing medical treatment.
Meanwhile, the development of the COVID-19 case specifically for the East Kalimantan region for the first position of confirmed positive cases, namely the City of Balikpapan with a total of 13,960 cases.
Followed by Samarinda with 11,072 cases, Kutai Kartanegara with 10,443 cases, East Kutai with 7,295 cases and Bontang with 5,364 cases.
The other five districts are Berau 3,527 cases, Paser 3,026 cases, West Kutai 2,238 cases, Panajam Paser Utara 931 cases, and Mahakam Ulu 325 cases.