Kelapa Gading Police Thwart The Embezzlement Of 13 Rental Cars, 4 People Become Suspects

JAKARTA - The Kelapa Gading Sector Police thwarted the embezzlement of a rental car in a car rental area of Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. The perpetrator pretends to be a customer.

"(The car) is about to be sold to individuals. While the sale and purchase have not been carried out, we have succeeded in thwarting this effort", said Kelapa Gading Police Chief, Kompol Rango Siregar, as reported by Antara, Jakarta, Monday, March 8.

The police named 4 people who embezzled 13 rental cars as suspects. They are MLA, as car renters, RH, and CJ are intermediaries for illicit goods from MLA and MNK.

MLA acquired rental cars gradually by becoming a customer of a car rental company. This is done so that the rental owner will trust the suspect. "After believing in the end it started one (rental car) then became two, three, four, and so on", said Rango.

The MLA suspect looked like a typical tenant who was willing to pay the rental fee on time according to the agreement. Until finally, the 13 vehicles belonging to the rental company were successfully transferred by MLA to RH and CJ.

MLA allegedly ordered the two perpetrators, namely RH and CJ, to hand over the rental cars to the last perpetrator, with the initials MNK, to be embezzled. However, the car rental company later reported the case to the police.

In its report, the company explained that the 13 units of their cars had not been returned by MLA as their customers.

From the available reports, the police gave chase and succeeded in arresting RH, CJ, and MK in the North Jakarta area, followed by the arrest of MLA in West Java.

"The three perpetrators (RH, CJ, and MNK) were arrested in the North Jakarta area. Meanwhile, we arrested the MLA perpetrators in West Java at the end of February", said Rango who was accompanied by the Head of the Kelapa Gading Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKP M Fajar.

From this arrest, the police then collected evidence in the form of 13 cars that were embezzled by MLA and three others suspected to East Java and Sumatra Island.

Because of their actions, the four suspects were caught in Article 372 of the Criminal Code on embezzlement and fraud with sentenced to four years in prison.