Pelindo Holds Tourism Village Management Training In Penglipuran, Bali

JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo held a business planning training and management of Penglipuran Tourism Village to increase the management capacity of all tourism actors in Penglipuran Tourism Village, Bangli Regency, Bali, Sunday.
Through this training, tourism actors are expected to have managerial skills, effectiveness, and operational efficiency in order to create quality and sustainable tourist villages. The training is part of the company's social and environmental responsibility (TJSL) in the fostered village program.
Pelindo Corporate Secretariat Group Head Ardhy Wahyu Basuki in his statement in Jakarta on Sunday explained that the activity was part of the company's TJSL to empower people in various regions in Indonesia.
This will also contribute to the development of the company's business in the tourism sector and to improve governance of accountable tourist village management.
"In this empowerment, we not only focus on infrastructure development, but also implement non-infrastructure programs. We hope that the impact of this program will be felt by the people of Penglipuran Village in Bali and provide benefits for the company's development," said Ardhy, quoted by Antara.
To note, Penglipuran Tourism Village has received world attention, especially in the tourism sector. In 2023, Penglipuran Tourism Village was named the 2023 Best Tourism Village from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), which has the authority to promote sustainable world tourism.
Meanwhile, Kelian Adat Penglipuran Village I Wayan Budirta said that the training was a further step in the process of developing the Penglipuran Tourism Village.