Lion Jonovan's Little Singer Debut Through The Cover Of The Song NOAH, Live A Dream

JAKARTA - Lion Jonovan became the new child singer introduced by Trinity Optima Production. This is a continuation of what has previously been labeled, namely finding talented young singers such as Sherina Munaf, Naura Ayu and Neona.

As a debut single, Lion Jonovan re-released 'Dream Promise', the song NOAH from the album 'Relations' released in 2019. This song was written by Lukman, Uki, and Lanlan.

'Pranji Dream' is not a new song for the 11-year-old boy. Previously, Lion had gone viral on social media while singing the cover of the NOAH song.

"I like playing music and singing. I hope I will be entertained by my first single," said Lion Jonovan through a press release received by VOI, Sunday, May 5.

Yonathan Nugroho as CEO of Trinity Entertainment Group said Lion is one of the young talents who wants to be introduced to the wider public. In fact, he asked Enda, the guitarist of Ungu to give a special workshop.

We see Lion has extraordinary talent and want him to have the opportunity to fill the Indonesian music industry. Since he became part of the Trinity Optima Production family, we have provided training ranging from vocal principles, guitar lessons, to workshops with Enda UNGU. Indonesia needs the regeneration of child singers, and Lion is ready to continue the footsteps made by Sherina, Naura, and Neona, as a child singer in her time," said Yonathan Nugroho.

Lion at its age now, the musicality is above average. It is easy to adapt in performing various songs, the timbre is good, and fast and willing to learn. My experience of workshop with him is very exciting. I taught him the steps to compose songs, how to express feelings into it, until we produced one song that he created himself. Lion has the basic capital to become a reliable musician in the future, and what he has is more than enough," said Enda.

The label also stated its long-term plans for Lion. As a child who is entering adolescence, Lion's musical journey will carry the style he likes.

"On the way to get older, there will be changes in Lion physically and emotionally. Therefore, we want Lion to be honest in his work from the start by inviting him to perform the songs he likes. He will also carry a universal love theme in his music that tells about the journey of stepping on teenagers, friendship, admiration for someone, to encouraging. He was born to be a musician, and we are fully committed to supporting his career and making it an inspiration for many people, "concluded Dwi Santoso, Head of A&R (Music Production & Talent Scouting) Trinity Optima Production.