Increase Community Economy, BPH Migas Asks Local Governments To Help Accelerate One Price Fuel Program

JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) has asked the Regional Government (Pemda) to help accelerate the One Price Oil Fuel (BBM) program. So, it can be useful for the community in the long term.

Member of the BPH Migas Committee Basuki Trikora Putra said that One Price Fuel is a Government program to encourage economic growth in the 3T region or the front, outermost, and underdeveloped to be more advanced and developed.

The One Price Fuel Oil (BBM) program has been implemented by the Government since 2017.

"So, there is the right of our brothers and sisters in the area to enjoy the same fuel price as other regions in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and of course we hope this will benefit the community in the long term," he said in an official statement, Sunday, May 5.

According to the plan, it is targeted that until 2024 583 distributors of One Price Fuel can be built. To date, 523 distributors of One Price Fuel throughout Indonesia are Sumatra 83 distributors, Kalimantan 111 distributors, Maluku and Papua 179 distributors, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku 94 distributors, Sulawesi 51 distributors, Bali 2 distributors, and Java and Madura 3 distributors.

The man who is often called Tiko said that for 2024 it is targeted to build 71 one-price fuel distributors and currently 11 distributors have been built. While the remaining 60 distributors still have to be resolved.

Of the 60 distribution locations, continued Tiko, there are still 27 locations consisting of 18 locations that already have partners but have not registered, and 9 locations have no partners.

"We certainly have the same spirit so that this program can be completed according to the target. Therefore, support from the Regional Government and other related parties is needed according to their respective authorities, including finding partners who will build one-price fuel distributors," he said, adding that for the Nusa Tenggara region, it is hoped that this year 10 one-price fuel distributors can be built.

To speed up development, it is hoped that the local government can help facilitate licensing if there are certain conditions, they must move the distribution locations to districts or sub-districts that are attractive to partners economically.

Meanwhile, Member of the BPH Migas Committee, Saleh Abdurrahman, also highlighted the economic factors that appeal to partners. According to him, based on experience in other regions, the local government can contribute by moving or finding locations for distributions with economic value for partners.

Another effort is to offer the sons of the region to become partners for the distribution of One Price Fuel in order to advance their area. In addition, invites Hiswana Migas, which has an existing Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) in the area around the location of the One Price Fuel distribution, to become a potential partner.

"Hiswana Migas, which may have several gas stations around the One Price fuel location, can be invited to contribute to the area. It can cooperate with Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD)," said Saleh.

Furthermore, Saleh requested that the distribution of One Price Fuel must be ensured to receive the allocation of certain types of diesel fuel (JBT) and the Pertalite Special Assignment Type (JBKP) according to the needs in order to serve the community well.