KPU Calls The Importance Of Stakeholder Support For The Success Of Regional Head Elections In Southwest Papua

Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) of Southwest Papua Andarias Kambu said the importance of support for all stakeholders and elements of society in this area to jointly succeed in the General Election of Regional Heads (Pilkada) scheduled for November 27, 2024.

According to him, Southwest Papua Province is the youngest and first province to carry out simultaneous regional elections in 2024, so that the support and active participation of all stakeholders and elements of society is important to make this democratic party a success.

"We, as election organizers, will not be able to carry out such a long stage without the support of all stakeholders and elements of society in this province," Andarias said as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, May 5.

He admitted that the active participation of all stakeholders and elements of society in the February 14, 2024 Election had been successful in West Papua, should be a reference to reunite the dispute and commitment in the success of the 2024 Pilkada in the 38th province.

"Yesterday's 2024 election was completed and thanks to the support of all stakeholders and elements of society so that the stages and processes of the election run safely, peacefully and successfully," he said.

Southwest Papua is the 38th province in Indonesia, the last and most secure province, but the success of the 2024 Pilkada is not the last, but it must be proven that the Pilkada in Southwest Papua will be successful and safe in collaboration and cooperation from all parties.

"I hope that we will continue to collaborate, work hand in hand, work together to ensure that the Pilkada stage until November 27, 2024 will be safe, smooth and successful," he hoped.