Airlangga Distributes 20 Kg Of Rice For Residents Who Are Self-isolated During PPKM

JAKARTA - The government has again extended the policy to impose restrictions on micro-scale community activities (PPKM) from March 9 to March 22, 2021. In its implementation, volume III of PPKM has been expanded to three new provinces, namely East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, and North Sumatra.

Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPC-PEN), Airlangga Hartarto said the government will provide basic needs for residents who carry out independent isolation, both isolation at the household level and neighborhood (RT) along with the extension of the micro PPKM.

"The micro PPKM was accompanied by the provision of 20 kg of rice which was self-isolated for 14 days and cloth masks according to standards", he said, in an online press conference, Monday, March 8.

Airlangga said that the rice aid would be distributed through the Police or the Indonesian National Army (TNI) at the Police and Military District Commander levels.

"Data on aid distribution will be reported periodically to the central task force through the regional task force", he said.

The provincial government is asked to coordinate the RT-level risk zonation mapping in all districts/cities in its territory which will be used as the basis for the calculation of rice and mask assistance as well as the implementation of testing, tracing, and treatment or 3T.

Previously, Airlangga had restrictions on activities in PPKM micro-volume 3 the same as in the previous period, such as offices implementing 50 percent work from home (WFH), teaching and learning activities still being carried out online, shopping centers or malls operating until 21:00 with health protocols.






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Then, restaurants are allowed to serve on-site meals or dine-in with a maximum capacity of 50 percent, and delivery services are allowed.

Then, places of worship have a maximum of 50 percent with health protocols, construction activities operate 100 percent with health protocols, and the essential sector operates 100 percent also with health protocols.

"The policy of limiting activities in the context of implementing the micro PPKM is all the same, except for public facilities which are starting to be allowed to open with a maximum capacity of 50 percent with arrangements by the Regional Government", said Airlangga.

The Coordinating Minister for the Economy said the government also prohibited ASN, TNI, Police, BUMN, and BUMD employees from traveling outside the area during the Isra Miraj and Nyepi holidays this weekend. Also, the private sector is advised do not to travel outside the area.