A Banjarmasin Unlam Student Allegedly Missing In A Reforestation Location

PALANGKA RAYA - A student at Lambung Mangkurat University (Unlam) Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, is suspected of missing at the reforestation site, Sei Ahas Village, Mantangai District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan.

"From the information I got, the victim is estimated to have disappeared at a reforestation location covering an area of 300 hectares in replanting for reforestation by PT Asmin," said the Head of the Mantangai Sub-district, Yubderi, when confirmed the incident, Saturday.

Regarding the report received, his party has ordered the Acting (Pj) Head of Sei Ahas Village, to help the team to search for victims.

The loss of the victim named Adytia Santoso Darma, after planting for reforestation by PT Asmin, together with other friends.

Based on the information and data obtained, the chronology of the incident occurred on Thursday (2/5) at around 08.00 WIB the victim and his 15 colleagues departed from the camp to conduct geotagging in plot 6 with other teams.

Before being declared missing contact at around 15.00 WIB, the victim still had time to meet with other teams on the side of the track towards the point of gathering (the ces location), but according to the team's agreement, the victim did not appear until 1 hour was awaited.

Tim Unlam kemudian langsung melakukan pencarian bersama tim organisnya yaitu Angga dan Yudha hingga malam tiba. Pencarian terhadap korban tidak berhasilkan hasil sampai dengan menjelang sore dan suasana area pencarian mulai berkur, tim organic lalu pulang menuju Desa Sei Ahas untuk berkoordinasi dengan tim teknis dan mantri adat setempat.

At 00:30 WIB with the help of 10 villagers and the puskesmas medical team again searched the location where the last victim was declared missing, but to no avail, which finally the team with the help of residents reported this incident to the Kapuas Police and BPBD.

Receiving the report, BPBD Kapuas and Basarnas Central Kalimantan immediately went to the location to conduct a search which was also assisted by Asmin, PHL and several other PBS parties.