Justin Trudeau Congratulates Prabowo, Canada Ready To Strengthen Cooperation Between Two Countries

JAKARTA - Elected President Prabowo Subianto, by telephone, received congratulations from Canadian Prime Minister (PM) Justin Trudeau on Wednesday, May 1. Justin Trudeau expressed his readiness to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries, Canada and Indonesia.

In the telephone conversation, Prabowo and the Canadian PM affirmed their commitment to strengthening cooperation between the two countries, which included negotiations on the Canada-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

"I'm very happy to be able to congratulate you on your victory in the General Election. I am very happy," Justin told Prabowo as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 4.

"Thank you, sir. It's an honor for me to receive a call from you directly. I've always been amazed by your father, you, and your leadership. I'm really looking forward to working with you," Prabowo said in reply to the congratulations.

The father of the Canadian Prime Minister, Prabowo, referred to Pierre Trudeau, who is the 15th Prime Minister of Canada.

PM Trudeau further revealed that Indonesia's leadership has an important meaning both at the regional and global levels.

"I'm really looking forward to sitting with you and meeting you. So, we can start well. Indonesian leadership is important, not only in the region, but also in the world. I want to learn that for us to grow together," said PM Trudeau to Prabowo.

He believes Prabowo has many ideas that will be offered to strengthen the Indonesia-Canada partnership. PM Trudeau was also impressed because Prabowo remembers his father figure.

You have a lot to offer, including from your own experience. I am very happy to meet people who remember my father," PM Trudeau told Prabowo.

Some of the issues discussed by Prabowo and PM Trudeau in the conversation included a continuation of the implementation of the Indo-Pacific strategy, and opportunities for cooperation in mineral governance.

Both also mentioned the planned arrival of the Canadian Team's Trade Mission to Indonesia by the end of 2024.

At the end of the conversation, PM Trudeau asked Prabowo to call him a more familiar name, namely Justin. "Please just call me Justin from now on," said PM Trudeau to Prabowo.

"Thank you Justin. I feel very honored. Thank you very much. I'm waiting to meet you," Prabowo replied to the Canadian PM.