How Important The Influenza Vaccine Is In Children
YOGYAKARTA Although not required, parents are advised to know how important influenza vaccines are for children so that they are expected to continue to provide them. The vaccine is a preventive measure for parents so that their children are not susceptible to influenza (flu).
As the name suggests, influenza vaccines are vaccines that are injected into the body to prevent flu transmission in the child. The flu itself is a virus that will infect and then attack the respiratory system from the nose to the lungs.
Influenza vaccines for children are no less important so that children are not easily exposed to flu and complications so that their children's health is maintained. The importance of influenza vaccines, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the vaccine every year, according to the Mayo Clinic. In fact, the CDC advises all children aged 6 months and over to get influenza vaccines.
Similar, reported by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Director of System Medical, Infectious Disease Andi Shane, MD, MPH explained that currently there are many different types of flu viruses. Types of flu viruses each year experience changes so that children need to get maximum protection from the virus.
Flu itself can trigger more serious infections such as pneumonia, as well as other complications. Even a flu virus can take a person to death.
Reporting from the Ministry of Health's website, the flu can take a person to a more serious condition, namely as follows.
Complications due to the flu are prone to several groups of people such as children under the age of five, elderly people over 65 years old, pregnant women, people with certain diseases such as asthma, heart disease, chronic lungs, and so on.
Reporting from Forbes, giving influenza vaccines for children can be done with two, namely through a syringe and through a nasal spray.
Vaccine by needle is carried out by stabbing a syringe with vaccine into the arm. This method is called the fastest to handle the flu. While vaccination through nasal spray is not only intended for children but for adults with a maximum age of 49 years.
Reporting from the Ministry of Health website, the body will show different reactions shortly after receiving the influenza vaccine temporarily. Some are symptomatic but some do not show any symptoms. Here are some side effects of influenza vaccines temporarily.
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