Hold Your Fingers Not To Escalate The Situation Of Handling COVID-19

JAKARTA - Until now, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has identified 242 hoax content related to the corona virus. The content is spread across a number of social media platforms and instant messaging services.

This hoax and disinformation content continues to increase, along with the increasing number of COVID-19 patients being treated. As the issue of the corona virus has spread from the end of January to mid March 2020.

Many things ride the issue of the corona virus, ranging from the problem of panic buying, mystical to illuminati. The aim is none other than to make the public even more worried and panicked through misinformation.

"This is a danger, if the public follows this untrue information,"

Menkominfo Johnny G Plate

The Director General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan, said that his party will cooperate with social media platforms which are channels for spreading hoaxes. Kominfo in its capacity cannot immediately close accounts that violate the rules.

"The duties and functions of the Ministry of Communication and Information in accordance with the applicable policy cannot close accounts proven to spread hoaxes. We provide recommendations to platform owners and law enforcement, then those who close the account," he explained.

With regard to hoax content that causes public unrest, the police will follow up. This is related to violations of the ITE Law with a maximum fine of Rp1 billion and the threat of six years imprisonment.

Indeed, hoax content circulating on social media aims to worsen the situation regarding the handling of the corona virus in Indonesia. Various methods have been used by rogue elements to mix correct information with hoax news, so that it is easy to believe.

Generally, disinformation circulating on social media uses the Imposter Content technique. Where news source links attached from trusted news portals are accompanied by snippets or pieces of wrong information.

In the investigation by the Kominfo hoax scavenger team, there were several information on hoax content and new disinformation being disseminated to worsen the COVID-19 situation in Indonesia.

For example, a Facebook post with one more narrative, Cabinet Minister Jokowi was positively exposed to the Corona Virus, made a scene for netizens. The post said the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim, tested positive for the corona virus. He underwent independent isolation.

In fact, after being traced, the title of the article "Minister of Nadien Tested Positive for Corona Virus, Undergo Isolation Independently" was the wrong title of the article. This is because the Minister of Nadien referred to is the British Health Minister, Nadine Dorries, who has been quarantined since last Tuesday, March 10.

Kominfo hoax recap (doc. Kominfo)

The mistake in writing Nadine's name to be Nadien actually caused a misperception so that some thought it was the Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem. This kind of clever thing is what hoax makers do to insert misinformation on social media.

If not a news link with content narrative changes that are misrepresented. Hoax news can circulate quickly through instant messaging services such as WhatsApp.

The news of broadcasts will quickly spread to WA groups. Especially if the hoax spreader spices it up with certain instructions or directions which in fact are wrong information.