5 Historical Places In Surabaya Currently Becoming Museums, Interested To Visit?

JAKARTA - As is well known so far, Surabaya as the "City of Heroes" has many historical locations which are still well maintained. These locations are now memorialized as museums to provide information about history to the younger generation.

Some of these places have links with great national figures. Where could it be? So, here are 5 historical locations in Surabaya that are currently designated as museums:

1. Sepuluh November Museum

The first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno, inaugurated the "Hero Monument" exactly a year after the monument was erected, namely on November 10, 1952. The construction of the Hero Monument itself aims to commemorate the struggling history of the Indonesian independence heroes when they fought on November 10, 1945, in Surabaya.

It was only on November 10, 1991, that the Sepuluh November Museum was built with an area of 1,366 square meters and a depth of 7 meters below ground level in the Tugu Pahlawan Complex area. The figure who inaugurated this museum was the 4th President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Abdurrahman Wachid, on February 19, 2000.

2. HOS Tjokroaminoto Museum

The HOS Tjokroaminito Museum is the home of the national hero HOS Tjokroaminoto and his family. HOS Tjokroaminito himself is famous as a national teacher for many great national figures. They studied and discussed until they lived in the house. These figures include Semaoen, Alimin, Darsono, Tan Malaka to the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno.

On 27 November 2017, this museum was inaugurated by Mayor Tri Rismaharini to become one of the historical tourist destinations in Surabaya. Tourists who visit can see the bedroom and living room of the HOS Tjokroaminoto family, to the room where Ir. Soekarno when he was still in school.

3. WR. Soepratman Museum

Built in the 20th century, this house was occupied by the songwriter of Indonesia Raya, Wage Rudolf (WR) Soepratman after moving from Pemalang to Surabaya in 1937.

This museum used to be a house that was once occupied by the songwriter Indonesia Raya, Wage Rudolf Soepratman. The house, which was built in the early 20th century, was occupied by WR Soepratman after his move from Pemalang to Surabaya in 1937.

At that time, Soepratman lived in the house with Mrs. Rokijem (WR Soepratman's sister) and her family. The simple house he occupies has two main rooms, one living room, one restroom, and one kitchen room.

Visitors can see and enjoy collectibles related to WR Soepratman in this house. The collections are currently arranged in a number of rooms.

4. Dr. Soetomo Museum 

Dr. Soetomo Museum is a special museum that includes Dr. Soetomo, a movement figure who is also known as one of the founders of the Boedi Oetomo organization.

In November 2017, the museum which is located in the Pendopo complex of the Indonesian National Building (GNI) Bubutan Street No. 85-87 Surabaya City was inaugurated by Mayor Tri Rismaharini.

This museum holds 328 collections of medical equipment and photographs.

5. Surabaya Museum

The Surabaya City Museum exhibits around 1,000 historical objects related to the journey of Surabaya City from time to time. The museum, which is located on the 1st floor of the Siola Building, opened on May 3, 2015.

The Siola building itself was built as a cultural heritage which became a silent witness to the November 10 battle in Surabaya.

The Surabaya Museum's collections are very diverse, ranging from photos of the list of the mayors of Surabaya since the Dutch colonial era, Japan until now; population archives since 1837; firefighter clothing since the Dutch era; to Surabaya's traditional means of transportation, pedicabs.

Those are 5 historical tours in the form of museums in Surabaya. You can put it on the list of places to visit while in this city.

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