List Of Latest Electricity Tariffs In May 2024 For Non-Subsidized And Subsidized Customers

YOGYAKARTA The latest electricity tariff list in May 2024 has been set. The tariff per kilowatt hour (kWh) for non-subsidized customers for May is still the same as the previous month.

Please note, electricity tariff adjustments for non-subsidized customers are usually made every three months.

Adapted from the Frequently Asked Questionstion (FAQ) of the PLN's official website, the adjustment rate is mechanical to change and determine the decrease in the amount of electricity tariffs per kWh following changes in the magnitude of micro-economic factors so that the rates imposed on consumers approach the Basic Cost of Electricity Supply (BPP).

Related to this, there are several factors that affect electricity tariff adjustments, including:

Quoted from the official website of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the following is the latest list of electricity rates in May 2024 for non-subsidized customers:

On the other hand, the government continues to provide electricity subsidies for social customers, small households, small businesses, small industries, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), which fall into 25 subsidized customer groups.

The electricity tariff for subsidized groups also did not adjust, aka the same as in April 2024.

The following is a list of the latest electricity rates in May 2024 for subsidized customers:

This is information about the latest electricity tariff in May 2024. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.