How To Choose Qualityless Beef Without Damage, Healthy, And Worth Consumption

YOGYAKARTA Knowing how to choose quality beef is needed. The reason is that the selection of meat will indirectly have an impact on the condition of the body. The wrong selection of beef will interfere with the absorption of protein to interfere with the health of the body.
In the market, beef is usually sold in the form of pieces. Unfortunately, the meat sold needs to be doubted because we never know how well the hygiene is until how long the meat has been in the store store store store storefront. To avoid the wrong choice of beef, see the following article.
Choosing quality beef can be done without any tools as long as the buyer selection pays attention to the signs that appear in the meat.
The easiest step to get quality beef is to avoid slum or dirty stalls. The condition of these stalls is usually a lot of flies, muddy, and full of stains. Although not all dirty stalls sell bad beef, it would be nice to avoid it as a precautionary measure to get bad quality meat.
Valuable and fresh beef is usually still fresh red. Avoid choosing pale or dirty beef. However, the red color cannot be a definite benchmark that the meat is really fresh.
Fresh beef usually has a nascent texture. The way to find out the meaning of the meat is to press the surface of the meat with fingers. If the finger pressure mark does not return to the top or looks soft then you need to be aware of it. On the other hand, if the texture is chewy or when the surface is pressed back up, it is certain that the meat is fresh.
Kissing the aroma of meat helps determine whether the meat you want to buy is really fresh or not. Fresh meat smells like beef or blood, although not too strong. While the meat is not fresh, other smells such as rotten aroma or smell like medicine will appear.
It is better to avoid beef with a lot of water. The reason is that this condition can be indicated as a glonggoran cow. In addition, watery meat can indicate that the meat is stored in the refrigerator for too long.
Usually the meat sold has a label attached. Try to find out what information is included in the label. Usually, the information available on the label is the expiration date or halalness of the product. If there is no label, the buyer is advised to ask the seller. Don't hesitate to ask about the meat to be purchased.
It is recommended to avoid buying completely frozen beef. The reason is that frozen conditions on the meat will disguise the condition of the meat in general. If there is only frozen meat, you can ask the seller to withdraw it briefly to see the actual condition of the meat.
It is recommended to the public to find out what tools and materials make smoke meat that must be owned.
That's information regarding how to choose quality beef. Visit to get other interesting information.