GrabAds And Kantar Highlight The Development Of RMN In The Digitalization Era

JAKARTA Retail Media Network (RMN) is believed to be a new way for advertisers to reach consumers. This ecosystem is believed to be the future of advertising due to digitalization factors. RMN is a retail ecosystem that utilizes first-party data or data from first-party parties to create ads. By using first-party data, advertisers can reach out to certain consumers to maximize branding. GrabAds and Kantar, research firms for advertising, share the results of studies on the development of RMN on Thursday, May 2. Report shared shows that the demand for RMN will increase by up to 73 percent globally in the next 7 years in line with this increase, investment against RMN will also increase. Ad spending growth in Southeast Asia is expected to increase to 11 percent by 2030 as the RMN ecosystem is considered more profitable. Meanwhile, Kantar data shows that RMN is more impactive and seven times more effective in building brand awareness. Especially if advertisers use RMN on superapp platforms such as Grab. Last year, Grab was categorized as superapp with the highest advertising equity. This award shows that Grab can reach consumers through all stages of purchase on the platform, starting from recognition to purchase. Although RMN utilizes data from the first party, Grab guarantees the security of its users' data. The security in using first-party data is confirmed directly by Grab For Business Indonesia Director Roy Nugroho.

Meski data transaksi dibagikan ke pihak pengiklan, Roy mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak pernah mengabaikan data protection. Sebaliknya, Grab juga mendapatkan persetujuan, baik dari pengguna aplikasi maupun pengiklan, dalam menggunakan data tersebut. "Jadi, memang data sharing itu pun juga align dengan peraturan, align dengan regulasi, dan memang data yang bisa diolah untuk analisa," kata Roy ketika ditanya oleh VOI. Roy pun menjelaskan bahwa data ini penting karena mereka tidak menggunakan cookies. Dihentikannya penggunaan cookies juga sempat disoroti oleh Associate Director of Kantar Insight Chaiyren Olivia Herman. Ia mengatakan bahwa digital advertising semakin sulit menyasar konsumen karena platform periklanan sudah tidak boleh menggunakan cookie. Oleh karena itu, ekosistem seperti RMN akan membantu para pengiklan karena mereka memanfaatkan data pihak pertama dengan cara yang aman. "Itu (penggunaan data pihak pertama) menurut saya sangat membantu untuk pengiklan dan brand awareness."