8 Astronomy Phenomenon May 2024 From The Meeting Of Saturn And The Moon To Meteor Showers, Here's The List
YOGYAKARTA The astronomical phenomenon of May 2024 is quite diverse. Some of them can be observed from Indonesia. However, to make these observations, the public must know the schedule for the natural phenomenon in May 2024 and several observational aids such as telescopes.
This article will provide information related to some of the latest astronomical phenomena that will occur in May 2024.
The astronomical phenomenon that occurred in May involved space objects from the Moon, planets, to meteors. Here are some of these phenomena that will occur this month.
The alignment or conjunction in the world of astronomy is a natural phenomenon that occurs when two or several sky objects appear to meet each other because the celestial body is close to the distribution line.
On the YouTube account of the Planetarium and the Jakarta Observatory, on Saturday, May 4, 2024, there will be a line between the Moon and Saturn. Both will be in close positions with only one degree of distance. Observations can be carried out in the east from 02.15 to 05.55 WIB.
Not long after, there will be a line between the Moon and Mars, namely on Sunday, May 5, 2024. The distance between the two will be close to each other, which is only 1.5 degrees. This phenomenon can be observed from the east from 3.13 WIB to 05.55 WIB.
The Moon's line with the planet will still occur until Monday, May 6, 2024. On that date, the Moon will be close to Mercury with a distance of approximately 4.5 degrees. Observations can be made from the East from 04.20 WIB to 05.55 WIB.
On May 6, there will be a perige phenomenon, namely when the position of the Moon is quite close to Earth. This phenomenon will occur on May 6, 2024 at 05.10 WIB, as reported by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
When this phenomenon occurs, the distance between Earth and the Moon is 363,165 km. When the perige occurs, the Moon will appear bigger than usual.
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The 6th seems a shame to pass. Not only did there be a line and a perige phenomenon, the peak of the Eta Aquarids meteor shower also occurred from 6 to 7 May 2024. The meteor flood will speed 148,000 mph (66 km/s) into the Earth's atmosphere, reported from the website of the United States Space Agency (NASA).
The meteor shower can be observed in Indonesia, starting at 01.28 WIB until sunrise.
The new Moon phase is a phenomenon in which the moon does not reflect the light of the sun. This phenomenon will occur on Wednesday, May 8. Usually these moments are used to observe celestial objects. This phenomenon will occur at 10:21 am.
This phenomenon is called the Moon in Apogee, which is when the position of the Moon is very far from Earth so that the Moon looks smaller and darker. This natural phenomenon will occur on Thursday, May 23 at 01.59 WIB.
This natural phenomenon is quite anticipated. Flower Moon will occur on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 20.54.
Those are some astronomical phenomena in May 2024. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.