What Is Tinted Sunscreen? Tabir Surya With Double Function

YOGYAKARTA - Tinted sunscreen is a variant of sunscreen that is favored by many beauty enthusiasts. This skincare product has been busy on social media because it is considered capable of protecting and evening skin tones.

The use of sunscreen plays an important role in protecting the skin from UVA and UVB light exposure. If the skin is often exposed to direct sun exposure, it will be easy to dry and experience premature aging. That is why everyone is advised to wear sunscreen, especially for those who often do activities outdoors.

If you want to look for sunscreen products that provide skin protection as well as other benefits, you can use continuous sunscreen. In order not to be curious about this product, you should first understand what continuous sunscreen is and its advantages.

Tinted sunscreen is a type of sunscreen that combines skin care and make-up functions. This product is made with a mineral base ingredient whose formula is combined with pigments derived from certain chemical compounds. This content can produce colors that are adjusted to skin tone.

Tinted sunscreen has two roles at once for the skin, namely being able to protect the skin from UV exposure and helping the skin color evenly. This product can also help brighten skin color more quickly.

This sunscreen is in great demand because of its practical use function with some benefits on the skin. In addition, tinted sunscreen also stores various ingredients that provide various benefits for the health and beauty of the skin.

Tinted sunscreen products are compiled from components that combine broad-spectrum mineral UV filters (broad spectral filters), such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide with additional pigments. This additional Pigment can produce visible skin tones and can reflect visible light.

By comparison, particles found in ordinary sunscreens have a nano size to reduce the appearance of whitecasts on the face. The application of ordinary sunscreen is not visible on the skin's surface, so it cannot block the visible light.

Meanwhile, to block visible light, sunscreen must be visible on the surface of the skin. Because of this, ordinary sunscreen (not continuous sunscreen) cannot protect the skin from visible light. In contrast to the tinted sunscreen that stores additional pigment to block visible light.

The tinted sunscreen color base is made with a mixture of black, yellow, and red iron oxides with titanium dioxide pigment. The combination of these components allows the continuous sunscreen to match the various skin tones of the wearer.

Many sunscreen users are wondering if what is the difference between tinted sunscreen and ordinary sunscreen? The explanation above is the answer to why tinted sunscreen is considered more practical in responding to skin care needs.

So tinted sunscreen has a content that can protect the skin from UV exposure and visible light from the sun. This function is different from sunscreen, usually the content can only protect the skin from UV exposure only..

Tinted sunscreen offers a number of advantages or advantages for its wearers. Many people prefer this sunscreen product because it provides more benefits from ordinary sunscreen.

Here are some advantages using continuous sunscreen that will spoil you:

Demikianlah penjelasan apa itu tinted sunscreen sebagai produk perlindungan surya yang banyak dipilih untuk melindungi kulit. Tinted sunscreen pasuk untuk Anda yang menginginkan kaca surya yang sekaligus dapat meratakan warna kulit. Baca juga tips melindungi kulit dari gelombang panas.

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