Ahead Of Teuku Ryan's Divorce Decision With Ria Ricis, Warganet Kasihan To Moana

JAKARTA - The fate of Teuku Ryan and Ria Ricis' household today, Thursday, May 2, will be decided by the South Jakarta Religious Court after they had previously carried out several trials.

But before the verdict, Teuku Ryan was seen uploading a photo with his daughter, Moana on his personal Instagram. He praised his daughter's courage as motivation.

"Moana, Moana's courage is an inspiration every day for papa, even your activeness is a spirit for papa," wrote Teuku Ryan, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram, Thursday, May 2.

Furthermore, Teuku Ryan promised to always be there for his daughter in every joy and sorrow of her life, which he allegedly hoped for after the divorce decision with Ria Ricis.

"God willing, every laugh and cry of Moana, papa tries to always be there for Moana," he continued.

Seeing this upload, many netizens regretted Teuku Ryan's attitude which was considered too late to regret. In fact, not infrequently, there are those who feel sorry for Moana's fate for her parents' separation.

"Pelu Moana, kamu yang sebenarnya yang paling sakit," tulis akun @rin*****.

"Your digital record will be seen by Moana. Be willing Ryan. Because Moana will see for herself how you treat her mother," added the account @lat*****.

"Sometimes I'm sorry to see Moana because her parents can't be with her parents, they can only pass here and there," added the account @nan*****.