Jambi Police Coordinate With IDI Regarding Fake Letters Of Santri Death

JAMBI - Jambi Regional Police (Polda) coordinated with the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) regarding a fake certificate made by one of the clinics for the death of a student from a Islamic Boarding School (Ponpes) in Tebo Regency.

Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigation at the Jambi Police, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira, said that the Jambi Regional Police confirmed that they had thoroughly investigated the death of the AH student from Tebo.

Andri said that apart from having examined the clinic that issued the certificate of the cause of death, the police also examined criminal expert witnesses and coordinated with IDI Tebo Regency.

"Kami kemarin sudah melakukan pemeriksaan ke IDI, minggu depan akan digelar," kata dia dilansir ANTARA, Selasa, 30 April.

If later the results of the examination are found in the violation of the code of ethics, then the report of model A made by the Tebo Police will be stopped.

The termination of the report, he said, must go through a case title mechanism first.

"It was not immediately decided, later we will also coordinate with IDI Jambi Province," he said.

He explained that there was a difference in the results of information from one of the clinics in Tebo Regency with the autopsy results of the student AH's corpse.

The results of the post-mortem from the clinic stated that the students died from being electrocuted. In contrast to the autopsy results of Bhayangkara Jambi Hospital which stated that the students died as a result of being abused by their friends.

Until now, the police have arrested two perpetrators of abuse who are also students, namely A and R.