Knowing What Sigma Male Is, A Fun Introvert Man

YOGYAKARTA 'Sigma male' is one of the terms that appears in popular psychology, especially in the context of human personality characteristics. So, what is sigma male?

Please note, in the context of personality, men are often included in the alpha male groups (known to be dominant) and beta male (has fun properties). In addition, men can also be in the middle of the two characters (alpha and beta).

Men who are in both categories of alpha male and beta male personality are called sigma male (male sigma).

The following article will overview what is the sigma of the male and its characteristics.

According to the Urban Dictionary, sigma male male pragmatic, but looks like a solitary, paranoid, and closed man. Sigma male rarely receives orders from people or the community system in his neighborhood.

The sigma male character is very similar to the alpha male, but he prefers to walk according to their heart.

Meanwhile, according to Steffo Shambo, a relationship expert at the Tantric Academy, the sigma man is a basic pattern that represents independence, and the prevalence of out-of-social hierarchy activities in general.

Steffo added that sigma male excels in terms of autonomy, creating their own path without the need for social ladders to climb.

From the above definition, it can be concluded that sigma male male is the man who chooses to live his life outside the normal social hierarchy of society. To be a sigma male, you must have high self-confidence.

Quoting the Mom Junction page, Rohan Sinha said the sigma male has the following characteristics:

1. Always be yourself

The first sigma male characteristic (sigma male personality) is always being yourself. There are many people who don't become themselves, when they are around other people. However, sigma men are just the opposite, they prefer to be themselves, regardless of who is around them.

2. Flexible

The second sigma male character is very flexible. If the male alpha and beta are stiffer in terms of personality and the environment, the sigma male can adapt more to most of the environmental conditions.

The sigma men can be guided under different social situations, and can even perform well outside their comfort zone.

3. Likes to be alone or introverted

Furthermore, men with sigma personalities prefer to be alone to reflect on their ideas and pursue their personal interests. For sigmamale, social interactions are not a priority, and they prefer to develop in peace and calm.

On the other hand, sigma male can also be a fun and friendly person with the people they love.

4. Listeners who are good

Sigma men can also be good listeners. Sigma male can understand the value of silence and respect when others talk to them.

Men sigma prioritize content or the core of communication, so they can listen well and will speak when needed.

5. Independent

Independence is a spell for sigma-private men. They can stand alone and make decisions without relying on others.

By taking control of their own lives, men stigmatize finding satisfaction in freedom and full responsibility for themselves.

That's the information about what sigma male is. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.