A Crack Appears In The Slope Of Sukawangi Village After The Garut Earthquake

JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati revealed that there were slopes in Sukawangi Village, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency, which appeared after an earthquake rocked the southern waters of West Java on April 27.

"There are symptoms of steep curvature slopes which are signs that in the past landslides or rock collapses could be caused by earthquakes or rain, or earthquakes followed by rain," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 30.

Dwikorita reviewed the village affected by an earthquake measuring 6.2 magnitude in Garut Regency. Sukawangi village which is at an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level has cracks.

BMKG is moving quickly to track the possibility of new symptoms indicating the potential for landslides. Although currently no new signs have been found, he said, the potential for cracks that are still moving shows the situation is not yet fully safe.

"Exact mitigation measures need to be taken," said Dwikorita.

He emphasized the importance of vigilance for the community, especially when it rains. Residents who live near the slopes are asked to temporarily evacuate when heavy rains occur to avoid the potential danger of landslides.

These various efforts were made to ensure the safety of residents and prevent material casualties or losses.

"We also convey to the sub-district and BPBD, if the rain is moderate to heavy, please ask residents who live near the slopes to temporarily step aside or evacuate. After the rain subsides and is checked there are no symptoms of landslides, then they can come back again," said Dwikorita.

He appealed to the public to remain vigilant and avoid buildings that have been damaged.

Information on the results of checking and mitigation recommendations has been submitted to related parties such as the sub-district head, village head, and the Garut Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Furthermore, the BMKG will take further steps in accordance with the direction and coordination with related parties to ensure safety and readiness in dealing with potential disasters after the earthquake in the area.

"All parties are expected to remain vigilant and follow the instructions given to reduce the risk to potential disasters," said the Head of BMKG.