2024 Adult Vaccination Schedule From PAPDI, There Are Additional Updates For New Vaccines

YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the 2024 adult vaccination schedule confirmed that this year there was an update on recommendations by adding the Pneumokokal Conjugate 15-valent (PCV15) vaccine which was announced directly by the Indonesian Internal Medicine Specialist Association (PAPDI).

"Providing vaccines is an important step in efforts to protect public health. PAPDI is committed to continuing to provide the latest and scientific evidence-based vaccine recommendations to improve public health levels," said the General Chairperson of the PAPDI Executive Board, Dr. dr. Sally Aman Nasution SpPD, K-KV, FINASIM, FACP in Jakarta, Monday.

Launching from ANTARA, he said, not only given to toddlers and children, the PCV15 vaccine has also been approved by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) to be given to adults to provide protection for 15 pneumokokus bacteria serotypes.

There are also additional PCV15 vaccines that meet 22 types of vaccines recommended by PAPDI for adult groups ranging from 18 years to the elderly, as part of efforts to strengthen health protection for Indonesian citizens.

For him, one of the diseases that can be prevented from spreading through vaccination is pneumonia.

Pneumonia is a lung tissue infection which is mainly caused by various viruses, bacteria, and fungi.

He said, one of the important triggers of this disease is the Streptococcus pneumoniae (Pneumokokus) bacteria, which has more than 100 serotypes and some of them cause severe infections such as the Seroipe 3, 22F, and 33F.

Currently in Indonesia, pneumonia is one of the 10 most hospitalization cases with an estimated healing cost of more than 18 million rupiah for hospitalization for 6 days.

Based on BPJS information, pneumonia is one of the most expensive diseases.

"One of the important steps that need to be taken to reduce the high level of problems and as an effort to prevent pneumonia is to carry out PCV vaccinations," he said.

Meanwhile, a member of the Professional Development Division and PAPDI Research, dr. Ceva Wicaksono Pitoyo, SpPD, K-P, FINASIM, KIC said that there are various aspects of risk that affect the formation of pneumonia in adults, such as aspects of age, work, lifestyle, health conditions, or traveling.

Not only that, the risk of pneumonia is also getting bigger if you have certain medical conditions.

Meanwhile, various studies show that pneumonia vaccination in adults can help reduce the risk of this dangerous disease.

According to him, not only avoiding pneumonia, PCV vaccination can also help avoid several other diseases, such as inflammation of the brain membrane (meningitis), blood infection (bakteremia) and ear inflammation (otitis) caused by pneumokokus bacteria.

"This is why PCV is one of the vaccines recommended by PAPDI to be given to the adult population, in order to limit the number of pneumonia transmission," he said.

In addition, you also need to know the cost of the HPV vaccine for adults just in case.

So after knowing the 2024 adult vaccination schedule, look at other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!