Minister Of Industry Agus Calls The Hannover Messe Exhibition Positive Impact On Indonesian Investment

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the 2024 Hannover Messe global industry exhibition held on April 22-26 in Germany had a positive impact on the investment climate in Indonesia.

"Through this exhibition, Indonesia shows its economic and technological potential to the world. Indonesia's active attitude and participation in the Hannover Messe 2024 has had a positive impact on increasing investment in Indonesia," said Minister of Industry Agus in a written statement, Tuesday, April 30.

Agus said the positive impacts resulting from participating in Hannover Messe 2024, namely the establishment of 15 business to business (B to B) cooperation agreements with an investment value of around IDR 5 trillion.

In addition, the Digital Industry Center (PIDI) 4.0 which is a facility under the Ministry of Industry is holding a business forum.

So that it makes the exploration of cooperation between the Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) and the SGC Group for waste development into energy and with TechnoGIS for disaster management.

Acting Director General of Resilience, Region and International Industrial Access at the Ministry of Industry, Eko Cahyanto, said that in addition to producing investment cooperation, his party is optimistic that the exhibition event will also bring other potential collaborations.

This can be seen from the interest of Hannover Messe 2024 visitors in the Indonesian booth.

"During the exhibition, visitors who attended conveyed a positive response to the implementation of the Indonesia program as partipation in the Hannover Messe 2024. It can be seen that the Indonesian booth at Hall 4 has been busy with visitors for five days," he said.

Meanwhile, the Director of International Access to Industrial Resources and Promotion of the Ministry of Industry, Syahroni Ahmad, said that during the implementation of the Hannover Messe 2024, his party also held various programs at the Indonesian Pavilion, such as Business Forum, Business Matching and the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU).

"Hannover Messe 2024 is visited by around 130,000 visitors from 150 countries, who have the same vision to support the industry more competitively by reducing industrial emissions. About 40 percent of visitors to Hannover Messe 2024 come from other countries, such as China, the Netherlands, South Korea, the United States and Japan," he added.