Getting To Know The Benefits Of Jancuk Leaves, Used By The People Of Papua And Maluku

YOGYAKARTA - The name of jancuk leaves may still be foreign to the ears of many people. Daun jancuk is the nickname of a common leaf. This plant often grows on mountain climbing routes and hilly areas. However, these leaves can cause unbearable itching.

This leaf can cause itching in the skin because of the effect of the acid content of the format in it. This content can penetrate the skin and widen the pores, thus exciting the blood flow. When this leaf is applied to the body, it will feel a strong itching sensation.

Behind its strange name and itching effects, jancuk leaves have good health benefits. Daun jancuk and daun commons are often used by people in eastern Indonesia to overcome health problems.

People in Papua and Maluku use these leaves to relieve soreness and muscle aches. So what are the properties of jancuk leaves and how do you process or consume them?

Daun jancuk atau daun pada umum mengacu pada genus Laportea yang banyak tumbuh di tanah Indonesia, terutama di Maluku dan Papua. Setidaknya tiga speseksi umum dari ini, yakni Laportea decumana, Laportea pematata, dan Laportea stimulans syn.

There are also common leaf classified as Urtica's genus, namely Urtica dioica, which more often lives abroad. Urtica dioica's common leaves actually come from abroad, but can grow in Indonesia and some have planted them.

The shape and size of the leaves look different because of the differences in species and genus. However, this perdu plant has a common character in the form of soft tree trunks. In addition, another characteristic is the presence of smooth hair on the leaf surface.

All types of common leaf both cause itching effects, both Laportea and Urtica genus. However, both also provide properties in easing pain and soreness. In addition, Urtica dioica, which in English is known as stinging nettle', also has a hot effect of burning when touched by the skin.

Scientific research on the benefits of jancuk leaves for health has been proven a lot. Pimping leaves of the Urtica dioica genus are used for various health problems. These leaves can be consumed by processing them into clear vegetables or tumisans.

Regular consumption of these leaves can also facilitate the flow of breast milk (ASI). There are also other studies that develop the leaves of the Urtica dioica species into anti-aging creams (anti-aging).

The same plant can also be used to make bailers that are efficacious in treating pain. Meanwhile, Laportea's genus leaves are only used for sore relievers, muscle aches, stomach aches, skin aches.

Sore leaves do not only contain analgetic effects and or pain relievers, these two genus also have an anti-inflammatory effect. These leaves can also help prevent inflammation in the body. This efficacy is generated from the acid content that causes the skin's itching, resulting in pores widening and increasing blood flow.

The use of sharp leaves to benefit from it is very easy. For those of you who want to use these leaves to overcome health problems, just need to apply it directly to the desired body. Apply the leaves directly to the skin or area that feels sore and pain.

If you want to feel the effect more strongly, you can hit this leaf. Then apply the leaf collision to the skin or area of pain and soreness. In addition, the use of these leaves also does not need to be washed first. The benefits of this leaf actually come from smooth hairs located on the surface of the leaves.

That's a review of the properties of jancuk leaves that are beneficial for health. These leaves can cause itching, but the effect can be lost in a few days. For those of you who want to try to relieve itching and pain naturally, try using these leaves. Also read the types of toga plants and their properties.

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