52 Beds From This Hotel Are Ready To Function Caring For ODP COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) has prepared the Patra Comfort Hotel in Cempaka Putih, Jakarta, as a place for handling patients with the corona virus or COVID-19. Not only that, Pertamina Jaya Hospital will also function as a place for handling COVID-19.

The hotel and hospital are owned by a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero). The location between the hotel and the hospital is next to each other.

The Special Staff of the Minister of BUMN Arya Sinulingga said that the Patra Comfort Hotel would be converted at this time as a place for handling people with COVID-19 monitoring (ODP). The hotel has a capacity of 52 beds for ODP COVID-19.

"The hotel will be a place for handling COVID-19 according to the direction of the Minister (BUMN)," he said, in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 17.

Arya said, not only hotels. The BUMN Ministry is also preparing a hospital next to the hotel. RSPJ, said Arya, has a capacity of 65 beds consisting of 20 beds for ICU-level care and 45 non-ICU beds.

In addition, he continued, RSPJ also has high-pressure isolation rooms on three floors so that the virus does not pass the air distribution system.

Arya said that the RSPJ will also be equipped with a diagnostic laboratory capable of detecting COVID-19, radiology facilities, and an emergency room equipped with an isolation room.

"The handlers there will be supported by 10 specialist doctors, eight general practitioners, three trained nurses," he said.

Not only the Patra Comfort Hotel and RSPJ, according to Arya, the BUMN Ministry will also use the old buildings around Cikini and Pramuka to be used as beds for COVID-19 patients.

Arya explained, the Ministry of BUMN is targeting the provision of 90 beds in the building to be realized in the near future to help the needs of handling COVID-19, because given the limited capacity in RSPJ.

"We will prepare about 90 additional beds, which will be completed in two weeks," he explained.

Previously, the Government opened opportunities to convert state-owned hotels as isolation places for patients who were positively infected with the corona virus or COVID-19. This option will be realized if the patient escalation is higher and the referral hospital is unable to accommodate more patients.

Deputy for Political Communication and Information Dissemination at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Juri Ardiantoro said that currently all infrastructure owned by the regional government, TNI, Polri and BUMN is being prepared to deal with the outbreak of a virus whose vaccine has not been found.

However, until now it is not certain how many hotel units owned by BUMN are being prepared by the government. Including how much the carrying capacity.

"State-owned enterprises have thought of turning their hotels into isolation areas if the escalation of these victims increases. The number is waiting for developments," in a discussion on Polemic, Hotel Ibis Tamarin, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 14.