The Results Of Democratic Party's KLB Is OTW To The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights

JAKARTA - The Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), was removed from the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) which was held at The Hill Hotel and Resort Sibolangit, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra (Sumut), Friday, March 5.

The KLB, which was attended by around 1,200 people consisting of Branch Representative Council (DPC) and Regional Representative Council (DPD) participants and invited guests from all over Indonesia, also chose Moeldoko as the new chairman of the party with the mercy star logo.

The results of this outbreak will be brought to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to confirm Moeldoko as the legally legitimate leader of the Democratic Party.

The Pro and Counter KLB camps are still tug of war in determining who is the legitimate Democratic leader. Because the results of the North Sumatra KLB are still 'On the Way' (OTW) to the table of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Laoly.

Moeldoko was elected as the Democratic Chairperson

Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko was appointed Chairman of the Democrat Party based on the decision of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) of the Democratic Party in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra on Friday, March 5.

Moeldoko defeated former Democratic Secretary-General Marzuki Alie in quick counts or votes.

"To decide, to determine the first, from the second candidate based on the standing vote, then Mr. Moeldoko will be appointed as General Chair of the Democratic Party for the 2021-2025 period," said the chairman of the Democratic KLB session, Jhoni Allen.

From this decision, Moeldoko agreed through a telephone line that was played to the KLB participants who were present.

But before agreeing, Moeldoko gave three questions to the KLB participants. The first is about whether the KLB is according to statutes or not. Regarding this, the participants answered accordingly.

Moeldoko also asked about the seriousness of himself being elected as chairman. Third, he asked for certainty on the integrity of KLB participants to fight for the interests of the Republic of Indonesia above those of groups.


Separately, the General Chairman of the Democratic Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), said that the extraordinary congress in Deli Serdang and the effort to replace the party leadership were tests and challenges for the future of democracy and justice in Indonesia.

"Once again I emphasize here, this is not only a test of the sovereignty and honor of the Democrats, but also a challenge and a test of the future of democracy and justice in Indonesia," said AHY, in Jakarta, Sunday, March 7.

Government Respects the Deli Serdang KLB, North Sumatra

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Mahfud MD, stated that the government could not dissolve the Extraordinary Democratic Party Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, which appointed Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko as chairman.

According to him, this action was in accordance with Law Number 9 of 1998 concerning Freedom of Expressing Opinions in Public.

"If I say that we cannot ban the KLB because there are still people accusing the KLB of being protected, we have nothing to do with it. The government does not protect the KLB, no. But it is not permissible to dissolve it," Mahfud said in a video circulating, as quoted on Sunday, March 7.

Mahfud MD said that currently, the government notes that the official management of the Democratic Party is still held by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

The government, he said, could not yet determine whether or not the management of the Extraordinary Democrat Party's Extraordinary Congress (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra had been made, considering that there was no official report on the KLB.

"So there is no legal problem now," said Mahfud.

The government considers that there has been no case of KLB Democrats because if there was a KLB there would have been an official notification as a KLB. However, he continued, conditions would be different if later the KLB Deli Serdang group reported to the government. The government will assess its validity and decide on it.

"If there is a development of people from the group in Deli Serdang to report, then the government will assess whether this is legal or not. Whether it is according to the Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD/ART) or not, who is the organizer, we will evaluate it later, the government will decide whether this is legal or not legal, so please later the government guided by these rules," said the former head of the Constitutional Court.

Mahfud revealed that if there is an internal party problem like that, the government is indeed faced with a difficult decision to take a stand.

KLB results are registered to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Democrat politician from the Deli Serdang Extraordinary Congress camp, North Sumatra, Max Sopacua said he would register the results of the KLB which set Moeldoko as general chairman to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham). The registration will take place today, Monday, March 8, 2021.

"Tomorrow we register, Monday we register," said Max, Sunday, March 7.

In line with Max, one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung, emphasized that the KLB results would soon be reported to the Government.

"Yes, definitely (the results of the KLB) will be registered tomorrow," said senior cadre of the Democratic Party, Hencky Luntung, in a written statement, Sunday, March 7.