Formappi Notes Regarding The Legislative Performance Of The Indonesian House Of Representatives (DPR)

JAKARTA - The Parliament Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) evaluates the performance of the DPR during the III Session Period of Session Year 2020-2021. Formappi assessed that the DPR failed to make the 3rd Session Period as a momentum to raise optimism in improving the performance of legislation.

In fact, Formappi is pessimistic that its performance is better than the previous year. According to Formappi executive director I Made Leo Wiratma, it is difficult to expect the results of the DPR's work in the field of legislation.

There are many reasons for the poor performance of DPR legislation. Starting from bad planning governance to the sabotage of political interests, hampering the legalization of priority Prolegnas.

The DPR's compliance with the president also adds to the complexity of the implementation of the DPR's legislative function. The DPR seemed without authority in the face of the president's wishes for several bills.

Bad planning in the field of legislation is marked by the incompleteness of the DPR in drafting the Priority Bill Prolegnas which should be ratified during the first session of 2020-2021. There are 4 bills planned by the DPR during this session.

"How can the DPR be able to discuss a temporary bill that has to be discussed has not yet been decided," said I Made.

Made said that the 2021 priority prolegnas should have been set on January 14, 2021. Bamus should have scheduled decision-making at the plenary level, but suddenly pros and cons emerged between the factions and the government regarding the revision of the Election Law.

The pros and cons that want to be regulated in the Election Law are driven by political calculations which ultimately affect whether or not the Election Bill should be included in the priority Prolegnas.

"This is what we call the sabotage of political interests that hinders the determination of the Priority Bill Prolegnas," he said.

For that in the future, Formappi hopes that the DPR can discuss bills according to the plan without having to deposit the discussion of other bills.

"Hopefully in the future the DPR will consistently put the Prolegnas priority at the end of the previous year so that in the following year the DPR has started working on a bill that is difficult to plan. Do not be hampered by narrow pragmatic interests," said Made.