Hundreds Of Policemen Diverted, Myanmar Military Regime Surati India To Detain And Repatriate Them

JAKARTA - The Myanmar military regime sent a letter requesting the detention and repatriation of its police personnel, who avoided regime orders by fleeing to India, on Saturday 6 March.

This was disclosed by a senior official in Champhai, Mizoram State District, India told Reuters. The letter he said came from officials in Falam District, Myanmar, who asked for the return of eight Myanmar police, to maintain friendly relations.

Deputy Commissioner Maria CT Zuali said his party was "waiting for directions" from the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs in New Delhi. However, there are some Myanmar police who have defected and joined demonstrations against the military. However, this is the first case that the police have reported fleeing from Myanmar.

In the letter, Myanmar authorities said they had information about eight police personnel who had crossed into India. The letter listed details of four policemen, aged between 22 and 25, including a female officer.

"In order to establish friendly relations between the two neighboring countries, you are respectfully requested to detain 8 Myanmar police personnel who have arrived in Indian territory and hand them over to Myanmar," the letter said.

There has been no response from the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs regarding this matter. Meanwhile, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs admits that it is still confirming the facts.

It is known that at least 30 Myanmar police personnel along with their family members chose to defect and leave Myanmar through the border region. They 'sought refuge', having chosen not to follow the regime's orders.

Meanwhile, more than 600 Myanmar police are known to have defected and joined the civil disobedience action (CDM), resisting the coup of the Myanmar military regime.

An officer at naypyitaw said this was influenced by the participation of Special Police Intelligence Chief Tin Min Tun in the CDM, and announced his opposition to Myanmar's military regime on Facebook earlier last week.

“I no longer want to serve under a military regime. I have joined the civil servants who participated in the CDM, ”he wrote.

Separately, a regime officer who asked not to be named said there had not been any orders regarding police officers who had defected and joined Myanmar's anti-coup rallies.

“There are still no orders to take action against the police who have joined the CDM. The commanders just asked to bring them back, persuade them to return to their duties and solve their problems, "he told The Irrawaddy.

Myanmar Coup. The VOI editorial team continues to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Casualties from civilians continue to fall. Readers can follow the news surrounding the Myanmar military coup by tapping on this link.