Rob Flood Alert In 9 North Jakarta Villages For The Next 5 Days

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Isnawa Adji asked the public to be aware of the potential for coastal flooding or tidal flooding in 9 urban villages in North Jakarta for the next 5 days.

The nine areas that have the potential for tidal flooding on April 25 to 29 are Kamal Muara Village, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, Pluit, Ancol, Kamal, Marunda, Cilincing, and Kalibaru.

"The north coast of DKI Jakarta is advised to anticipate the impact of the maximum tide of sea water which has the potential for coastal flooding," Isnawa said in his statement, Thursday, April 25.

Based on BMKG information, the potential for tidal flooding this time is due to a full moon phenomenon that has the potential to increase the maximum sea level in the form of coastal flooding or tidal flooding in the northern coastal area of Jakarta.

Isnawa said that the DKI Provincial Government carried out a number of tidal flood mitigations on the coast of Jakarta, including the alerting of blue troop personnel (SDA Task Force) and pumps in the northern area of Jakarta, namely a mobile pump of 107 units and a stationary pump or pump house of 138 units spread across 28 location points.

Then, coordinate with BMKG regarding the development of information on early warning of tidal flooding, then with the SDA Service, Gulkarmat Service, Highways Office, Satpol PP and village heads related to the readiness of personnel and equipment such as mobile pumps and stationaries to be ready to function to suck up tidal puddles.

"BPBD has also alerted 267 personnel from the Rapid Response Team (TRC) to monitor disaster conditions in each flood-prone village," said Isnawa.

In addition, ensuring the location of collection as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure for flood management in urban villages prone to tidal flooding such as boats, boat rings, buoys, life jackets, etc., is ready to function to help the community if needed.

"Then, provide emergency services 24 hours through Jakarta Standby 112 to help people who need emergency assistance," he added.