Learn From E-Learning Sites For Students Who Have School Holidays Due To COVID-19

JAKARTA - For the time being, the government is appealing to all students and teachers to eliminate learning activities in schools. The online learning process or e-learning is an alternative for students during the outbreak of the corona virus in Indonesia.

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim has also provided e-learning facilities. Nadiem said that his party has developed a distance learning application based on the android portal Rumah Belajar which can be easily accessed on the learning site.kemendikbud.go.id.

The features that can be accessed from these facilities by students and teachers include Learning Resources, Digital Classroom, Virtual Laboratory, and Question Bank. Learning Houses can be used by students and teachers of Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School or Vocational School (SMA / SMK) and the equivalent.

Thus, students have various references for studying at home. He also revealed that he has collaborated with several private parties to develop an online education system, namely Google Indonesia, Smart Class, Microsoft, Quipper, Ruangguru, Sekolahmu, and Zenius.

"We appreciate partners in the private sector who voluntarily support the national education system and ensure students can continue to learn based on the targets set by teachers and schools," said Nadiem in his official statement.

Then how do you access the online learning or e-learning site? Here VOI provides more detailed information.

1. E-learning Rumah Belajar, is available on the online store Play Store for you Android users. But you can also access it HERE.

2. E-learning Google G Suite for Education, not just a search technology giant. Google is also kind to provide e-learning services for students and schoolgirls who have school holidays due to COVID-19, along with facilities that can be accessed HERE.

Screenshot of the Google learning site (Google doc)

3. Smart Class, the e-learning site that was founded by Fernando Uffie, also supports the Ministry of Education and Culture's anticipative steps to minimize the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia. Through Smart Class, online teaching staff and students can learn on a technology basis.

"Over the next one month, teachers and students throughout Indonesia can use online learning solutions from Smart Class for free. So that the student learning process continues, anytime and from anywhere," Uffie explained as quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

4. Microsoft provides access to Office 365 services that can be used as an alternative to learning facilities. These facilities include video conferencing and text materials. To access this facility can be accessed HERE.

5. The dismissal of teaching and learning activities, obviously reducing teacher-student interaction in class. Moreover, some students will face final school exams.

To anticipate this, teachers and schools can also use the Quipper School service to provide assignments and exams as well as monitor student work results. These facilities include videos, modules, and a collection of national exam questions (UN) and computer-based written exams (UTBK) for state higher education (SBMPTN) independent entry selection for SMP and SMA teachers throughout Indonesia.

6. This online facility, in fact, allows classroom learning through the digital collaboration of the school. This site can display the students' latest subject matter. This site can be accessed HERE.

7. Zenius Education as a technology-based education (edtech) startup in Indonesia has decided to keep access to 80,000 learning videos free of charge on all of its platforms without exception. This is in response to the government's policy to study at home independently, in order to reduce the COVID-19 outbreak.

Rohan Monga, Chief Executive Officer of Zenius Education, in his press release said, "In the current condition, Zenius is trying to exert all our best efforts to support the government policy which temporarily requires distance teaching and learning activities. Besides being accessible for free. "