Corruption Eradication Commission Will Trap Parties That Block The Investigation Of The Export Bribery Case

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has reminded a number of parties not to try to obstruct the investigation of the suspected bribery case for the export license of fries or lobster seeds that ensnared former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Edhy Prabowo.

Acting KPK spokesperson for prosecution, Ali Fikri, even said that his party did not hesitate to ensnare those who deliberately obstructed the investigation of this case under Article 21 of the Corruption Act.

"We remind those who deliberately obstruct the investigation of this case, the KPK will not hesitate to apply the provisions of Article 21 of the Corruption Act," Ali said in a written statement, Saturday, March 6.

In addition, the KPK also reminded other parties who are suspected of knowing the existence of assets belonging to suspect Edhy Prabowo to be able to report to the KPK.

"The KPK also appealed to those who are suspected of knowing the existence of assets belonging to the EP suspect (Edhy Prabowo) and friends to cooperate immediately to convey to the KPK," he said.

It is known that some time ago the KPK said it would open up opportunities for the application of the money laundering crime (TPPU) article to ensnare Edhy. Even though it opens up opportunities, Ali emphasized that the KPK is still focused on efforts to prove the bribery article against the suspects in the case that ensnared Edhy Prabowo.

As previously reported, in the case of the export bribery of shrimp fry or lobster seeds, Edhy Prabowo was named a suspect in receiving bribes along with five other people, namely: Stafsus Minister of KKP Safri (SAF) and Andreau Pribadi Misanta (APM); Management of PT Aero Citra Kargo (PT ACK) Siswadi (SWD); The staff of the wife of the Minister of KKP, Ainul Faqih, and Amiril Mukminin (AM).

Meanwhile, the giver of the bribe was the Director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito (SJT).

Edhy was named a suspect because he was suspected of accepting bribes from companies that had been issued lobster seed export permits using a forwarder company and was kept in one account of up to Rp9.8 billion and US $ 100 thousand from Suharjito through Safri and Amiril.

The money that goes to the account of PT ACK, which is currently the sole cargo service provider for the export of lobster seeds, is then withdrawn to the accounts of PT ACK holders, namely Ahmad Bahtiar and Amri, for a total of Rp9.8 billion.

Furthermore, the money is used for shopping for luxury goods by Edhy and his wife in Honolulu, USA from November 21 to 23, 2020, amounting to around IDR 750 million, including Rolex watches, Tumi and LV bags, road bikes, and Old Navy clothes.