Golkar Cadres Urge Airlangga To Become Presidential Candidate For 2024

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) has been completed. As a result, the party cadres bearing the banyan symbol want Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto to be nominated as a presidential candidate.

"The Rakernas and Rapimnas of the Golkar Party which just ended confirms the strong aspirations of the grassroots who want Golkar Party DPP Chairman Airlangga Hartarto to be nominated as a presidential candidate," said Golkar Deputy Chairman Ahmad Doli Kurnia in a written statement, Saturday, 6 March.

This urge, he continued, was conveyed by 34 DPD, 10 mass organizations within Golkar, and senior figures in the party who are on the supervisory board, the honorary council, the advisory council, the expert council, and the ethics council.

Regarding the pressure, Doli said that Airlangga had not yet given an answer. The reason is that the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs wants to focus on handling COVID-19.

"In time (Airlangga, red) will answer those aspirations," he said.

Even so, the pressure from these cadres has become a new spirit for the Golkar Election Winning Sector. So, they can work more seriously in realizing these aspirations.

"(The aspirations of the cadres, red) are an impetus to be more serious in formulating steps and strategies, and working harder in winning them," he said.

It is known that the Golkar National Conference has been held since Friday, March 5 until today. One of the Golkar Party's agenda is to formulate strategic steps to win the 2024 simultaneous General Election (Election) which includes the Presidential Election (Pilpres), the Legislative Election (Pileg), and the Regional Head Election (Pilkada).

When opening rapimnas, Golkar Party Chairman Airlangga Hartarto wanted the party bearing the banyan tree to lead a grand coalition in 2024.

According to him, the Golkar Party is one of the biggest political forces in the country and has become a magnet for many parties. The decision of the Golkar Party will affect the national political constellation.

"With this great power, Golkar will certainly start to be glanced at from the left and right like sugar that attracts ants. On the other hand, of course, we certainly need to read the situation, select and sort so that in the end the banyan power will lead a large, strong coalition," he said in front of his cadres. on Friday, March 5.