Bambang Trihatmodjo, Soeharto's Son Officially Defeated By Sri Mulyani: Cannot Travel Abroad

JAKARTA - Bambang Trihatmodjo was declared defeated by the State Administrative Court (PTUN) after he filed a lawsuit against the ban on leaving the country by the Ministry of Finance in connection with the 1997 SEA Games case prohibition of traveling abroad.

Based on information from the official PTUN website, case number 179/G/2020/PTUN.JKT was decided on Thursday, March 4 with the panel of judges Dyah Widiastuti, Indah Mayasari, and Elfiany.

"The plaintiff's lawsuit is not accepted", said the release, which was followed by VOI, Saturday, March 6.

Meanwhile, the panel of judges considered that the original claim for the object of the dispute was still valid. However, through the first written evidence process on December 10, 2020, the object of the dispute was declared to have ended.

Furthermore, by tracing Article 58 paragraph (2) and Article 68 paragraph (1) letter a and paragraph (2) of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, linked to the dictum of the two objects of dispute, it is stated that the object of dispute no longer has salable power and do not have the power of law anymore.

"Thus the defendant's exception and the subject of the dispute do not need to be considered again", said the panel of judges.

In her decision, Bambang is also obliged to pay a court fee to the state amounting to IDR 429,000.

For information, Bambang filed a lawsuit on September 15, 2020, because he felt that the Minister of Finance's ban on the 1997 SEA games was deemed not by applicable regulations.

The goal is for the panel of judges to cancel the Decree of the Minister of Finance No.108/KM.6/2020 dated 27 May 2020 concerning the Stipulation of Extension of the Prevention of Travel Outside the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia Against Bambang Trihatmodjo as Chair of the 1997 Sea Games Organizing Partner Consortium regarding State Receivables.

Bambang himself was recorded as having a role as Chairman of the 1997 Sea Games Organizing Consortium which was responsible for providing all the facilities for organizing the multi-event sporting event.