Sempat Meredup, Harga Emas Antam Masih Berpotensi Naik Di Tengah Meredanya Konfeksi Israel-Iran

JAKARTA - The price of gold began to decline after geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, namely the Israeli-Iran conflict eased.

For information based on data, on Tuesday, April 23, the price of gold fell by Rp. 18,000 to Rp. 1,325,000 per gram. Whereas the day before, the price of gold was at the level of Rp. 1,343,000 per gram.

Chief Economist Mandiri Sekuritas Rully Arya Wisnubroto, said that when geopolitical escalation increases, usually demand for gold will increase because gold is usually used as a safe haven option by investors.

"If gold is safe haven, it's almost the same as the actual US dollar. So when the issue of geopolitical tension worsens, usually the most targeted by investors is gold," said Rully after the Media Day: April by Mirae Asset Sekuritas event Tuesday, April 23.

However, Rully said in the last two days, geopolitical tensions seem to have started to subside and gold prices tend to fall and it is hoped that there will be no further escalation so that it will slightly reduce demand for safe haven assets.

According to Rully, in the future, if there is no significant geopolitical tension, the price of gold still has the potential to rise, although slightly slower. Because the price of gold has increased quite high.

"Long term if there is no significant harm, the price of gold still has the potential to rise but slower, more gradual," he said.