Having A Series Of Benefits, The Budong-Budong Dam In West Sulawesi Is Speeded Up In December 2024
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) is completing the Budong-Budong Dam project in Budong-Budong District, Central Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi. This project is the first dam built by the Ministry of PUPR in the area.
"PSN which is currently being worked on by the Ministry of PUPR is the Budong-Budong Dam. This is the first dam in West Sulawesi, you know!" said PUPR's statement in an upload on its official Instagram account @kemenpupr, quoted Tuesday, April 23.
There are at least four benefits provided by the construction of the dam. First, supporting the construction of an irrigation area (DI) of Budong-Budong covering an area of 3,577 hectares (ha).
Second, being a raw water provider with a capacity of 410 liters per second. Third, reducing flood discharge by up to 60 percent.
Finally or fourth is the Budong-Budong Dam has the potential to become a microhydro power plant.
The Budong-Budong Dam is targeted for completion in December 2024. "Pray for smooth construction, yes, Sahabat!" he added.
For your information, the construction of the Budong-Budong Dam is part of a 61 dam construction project from 2015 to 2025 which will increase the number of water reservoirs built by the Ministry of PUPR in supporting food and water security in West Sulawesi.