The History Of Brahu Trowulan Temple: He Is Older Than The Majapahit Kingdom

YOGYAKARTA Candi Brahu is a Buddhist temple located in Jambu Mente Hamlet, Beijijong Village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. The age of Candi Brahu is estimated to be older than the Majapahit Kingdom. The history of Brahu Temple began in the 15th century AD.

Ada pendapat yang mengatakan bahwa Candi Brahu berasal dari kata Wanaru atau Warahu yang tertutub dalam tasal tembaga Alasanan yang ditemukan sekitar 45 meter di sebelah barat Candi Brahu.

The inscription was made in 861 Saka or September 9, 939 M on the orders of King Mpu Sindok from Kahuripan. On this basis, the history of Brahu Temple is called older than the Majapahit Kingdom.

It is known, the Majapahit Kingdom was founded in 1293 by Raden Wijaya. This kingdom reached its peak of glory during the Hayam Wuruk government (1350-1389).

Candi Brahu is allegedly used as a place for the burial of the bodies of the kings of Brawijaya. However, the results of the study show that there are no traces of ash or cyberspace, because the temple booth is now empty.

Allegedly, Brahu Temple has a Buddhist style. This is because ancient objects in the cadi complex have been found, such as metal statues, metal ceremonial tools, gold ornamentals that show the characteristics of Buddhism.

Although there is no Buddha's archa, the style of the building and the base profile of the stupa on the Southeast side of the temple reinforces the suspicion that Candi Brahu is a Buddhist temple.

On this basis, it is estimated that the Brahu Temple was founded in the 15th century AD. The temple is facing the west with a rectangle of 18x22.5 meters. The remaining temple height is about 20 meters.

The Brahu Temple is built from red bricks like other ancient buildings found in Trowulan.

The shape of the Brahu Temple is not firmly square, but with a large and blunt angle. The roof is also shaped with a large angle and a flat peak.

It is estimated that the Brahu Temple is in two pairs and connected to the stairs. However, now the stairs are gone.

The room in the temple is estimated to accommodate about 30 people. The body parts of the temple and the roof of the temple are not in the relief or carvings. Even so, the arrangement of the brick paada, the walls of the body, and the roof of the temple are arranged in such a way as to form a geometric pattern or beautiful curve.

Not far from Brahu Temple there are Gentong Temple, Gedong Temple, and Central Temple. Gentong Temple is only about 360 meters from Brahu Temple. Meanwhile, Gedong Temple and Central Temple are no longer left.

Pemulihan Candi Baru dilakukan pada tahun 1990 dan selesai pada tahun 1995.

The location of Candi Brahu is in Jambu Mente Hamlet, Bejijong Village, Trowulan District, Mojokerto Regency, East Java.

The location of the Brahu Temple is in the vicinity of Jalan Raya Mojokerto-Jombang. The direction to the Brahu Temple is to enter the right road in front of the East Java History and Purbakala Residence Office, from there the distance to the Brahu Temple is about 1.8 kilometers.

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