Mass Layoffs Rise In Bangka Belitung, Commission VII Asks The Government To Overhaul The Tin Commercial Procedure

JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, Mulyanto asked the government to immediately reshuffle tin trading following news of mass layoffs that occurred in several tin smelters. He considered, with this trade system reshuffle, it could provide justice and prosper the community.

Moreover, he said, the current condition of tin management and commerce in Babel is very concerning, one side of the smelter company has difficulty getting raw materials but on the other hand, the community is not allowed to mine lead on their own land. Based on existing regulations, people are prohibited from mining if they do not have a people's mining permit (IPR).

"The DPR RI Commission VII Working Meeting mandates the Acting Director General of Mineral and Coal to immediately make changes to tin governance and trading procedures. We want the process of granting the People's Mining Permit (IPR) to be facilitated and shortened, so that tin mining activities that have been carried out by the community for generations of hundreds of years become legal. In addition, it is easier for the Government to supervise," Mulyanto said in a statement to the media, Monday, April 22.

Mulyanto also admitted that he was concerned about tin management, which until now has not been well organized. As a result, the potential for state and community income in this tin-rich region is not optimal.

Mulyanto hopes that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources can optimize the participation of all parties in order to maximize the management of these natural resources. The government should not only pamper big entrepreneurs, but also provide opportunities for small entrepreneurs and community groups.

In addition, the Government must also pay attention to the interests of the Regional Government in the mining business area.

"The Central Government must be willing to share the authority as well as income for the Regional Government. The Regional Government should not only get the sap while the meat is controlled by the Central Government," he said.

Mulyanto explained that Commission VII of the DPR RI will continue to monitor the revision of the rules for this tin trade and governance to completion.