Police Arrest Teenage Sex Workers Killer In Kediri, Initially Fighting Because Of Inadequate Payment

KEDIRI - The police have arrested the perpetrator of the murder of a woman at a hotel in Kediri. It turned out that the victim was still a minor and was involved in online prostitution cases.

Kapolres Kediri Kota AKBP Eko Prasetyo said the perpetrator with the initials RE (23), a resident of Leran Kulon Village, Palang District, Tuban Regency, East Java.

"The officers initially received a report on Sunday (28/2) around 16.15 WIB. There was a discovery of a body covered in blood in the hotel room. The officer came to the location and carried out the TKP (scene of the case)," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 5.

Police have also gathered information from a number of witnesses including examining surveillance camera footage. The officer found information that the alleged perpetrator used an online motorcycle taxi service.

From the investigation, the police finally had enough evidence and made an arrest for the person concerned.

There is also the modus operandi, the perpetrator acquainted with the victim through an online application with the victim. The victim is 16 years old. The two finally met at a hotel in the city of Kediri.

The perpetrator intended to pay for the services of the victim, but it turned out that the money he was trying to give was not in accordance with the agreement. At that time, the perpetrator got emotional and stabbed the victim's body.

Police shot the perpetrator in the leg with hot lead during the arrest. The perpetrator was charged under Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338, subsidiary to Article 355 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code or Article 80 paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.