Police Say The Perpetrator Of The Pregnant Woman Murder At The Kelapa Gading Shophouse Is The Victim's Girlfriend

JAKARTA - The murder case of a pregnant woman at a Kedai Anak Mami shop on Jalan Boulevard Raya, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta was finally revealed, Sunday, April 21.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Kanit) of the Kelapa Gading Police, AKP Emir Maharto, said that the perpetrator of the murder of a pregnant woman with the initials RN (34) was the victim's lover.

"That's right, the perpetrator of the murder of the victim's girlfriend," he said when confirmed by VOI, Sunday night, April 21.

However, AKP Emir was reluctant to explain further regarding the arrest of the perpetrator or not. He only said that the perpetrator of the murder was the victim's girlfriend.

Lenih continued AKP Emir said the victims and perpetrators had only lived in the shophouse for a few days. They came from the Lampung area.

"The victim only lived there for how many days, they plan to find work," he said.

Currently, AKP Emir admits that his party is still conducting an investigation regarding the death of RN victim who is pregnant.

"An investigation is underway," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Kelapa Gading Police confirmed that a pregnant woman who was found dead in a shop on Jalan Boulevard Raya Blok PD 9, No.3, RT 03/18, Pegangsaan Dua Village, Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta, was a murder victim.

"From the results of the crime scene, our analysis and investigation have pocketed the identity of the perpetrator. Please pray that we will arrest the perpetrator quickly," said Kelapa Gading Police Chief Kompol Maulana Mukarom when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, April 21.

The victim was found dead with blood spots scattered on the ceramics of the shop due to the expansion of his body. However, the police have not been able to conclude the wound suffered by the victim until he died.