Minister Of Transportation Reveals Movement During Eid Al-Fitr 2024 Peridode Reaches 242 Million People

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi revealed data on community movements during the period of Eid homecoming and return flow reaching 242.6 million people.

On the other hand, Budi appreciated all parties for their collaboration and coordination so that the 2024 Eid Transport could run well.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Transportation when closing the Integrated Eid Transportation Center Post in 2024 / 1445 Hijri at the Ministry of Transportation Office, Friday, April 19.

"I am proud and express my appreciation to all parties and related elements for coordination and real work together so that this time going home can go well. Thank you to the relevant Ministries and Institutions, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, Regional Government, Police, TNI, transportation operators, media who support intensely, and the whole community, we thank you," he said.

Budi conveyed his appreciation also conveyed by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

He assessed that this year's Eid transportation had gone well.

In this case, Jokowi always monitors and gives directions during the Angleb period.

"Mr. President (Jokowi) said that Lebaran transportation has been running well, there are no significant things that make us worried, however, we will continue to evaluate and increase. So far, the President continues to monitor intensely and encourage him. Thank you to the President so that we can all oversee and collaborate in carrying out this responsibility," he said.

Budi does not deny that there are a number of records and evaluations from this year's Eid transportation.

This is mainly based on a very significant spike in movement.

Based on the results of a mobile positioning data (MPD) survey conducted by telecommunications operator Telkomsel, the national number of community movements during the period 3-18 April 2024 was 242.6 million movements.

Meanwhile, in the Jabodetabek area, there are 41.5 million movements.

Then the use of public transportation also increased compared to 2023, as well as relatively smooth road traffic with an average vehicle speed of around 70-75 km/hour.

"People's movement has seen a significant increase, public transportation travel has also increased, there are still some things that we don't want. Even so, the number of accidents has decreased and the speed of vehicles can increase, this is a positive thing," he explained.

Head of the Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Inspector General Aan Suhanan said there was a decrease in the number of accidents by 8 percent during Eid transportation.

This year there were 3,286 traffic accidents, down from last year's 3,561 accidents.

The level of quality also decreased by 12 percent from last year's 534 deaths to 469 deaths this year.

"Throughout the Eid Transport period, we have also carried out traffic engineering with 27 contra flow implementation in Jakarta-Cikampek-Cipali, 20 times one way on toll roads, and 197 times one way off the toll road in West Java. In Central Java, we also make arrangements on arterial roads," he said.

In addition, 40 times the delay system has been carried out in the crossing area from km 13 to km 68 during the homecoming flow. This was done because of the queue and increase in vehicle volume.

Even so, the speed of vehicles increased by 0.8 km/hour compared to last year. This means that the travel time for homecoming flows is 11 minutes faster than last year.

"We express our gratitude, the big celebration that we have gone through has gone well, thanks to the collaboration of all stakeholders, the community and the media. The success of this management is our common success," he said.