How To Overcome Goats Don't Want To Eat, Ignored Can Cause Fatal

YOGYAKARTA - Many Indonesians raise goats. Although it looks easy to maintain, goat care also requires extra attention. One of the problems that livestock owners need to anticipate is goats who are lazy to eat.

Has a pet goat recently seemed not eager to eat? Goats may lose their appetite for several reasons. If goats who do not want to eat are allowed to continue, they can experience illness to the point of death.

Not a few goat owners are anxious and confused when their pets don't like to eat. Already given fresh leaves and tempting feed, but the goat still doesn't want to eat it.

If you experience such conditions, goat owners don't need to be confused. But you still have to provide extra care and attention. So how to deal with goats that don't want to eat so that their lust increases again?

Which goat owners are not stressed to see their livestock reluctant to eat. Not only confused, the lazy pet goat also makes the owner anxious. If this condition lasts for a long time, it will certainly endanger the goat's health.

Before knowing how to treat goats who do not want to eat, the owner needs to first understand the cause. There are several factors that cause lazy goats to eat even though they are given abundant food.

It is important for livestock owners to know why goats don't like to eat so they can do proper treatment. Here are some things that may be the cause of your favorite goat not eager to eat:

If your pet goat looks appetiteless for a few days, it's best to treat it immediately. Here are some ways you can do to deal with goats that don't want to eat:

Goats don't want to eat maybe because they are bored with the feed menu you offer. Before thinking far away to give medicine or call a veterinarian, try to change the feed first.

Give different types of food from the previous menus. For example, if during the last two weeks you give grass, then you can switch to choosing a menu of green leaves or long beans. You can also serve food variations such as small seeds or banana peels.

In addition to providing feed from natural ingredients, goat owners can also offer artificial foods. You can choose alternative feed such as dedak mixed with water. Liquid or soft textured foods are easier to swallow and digest by goats.

You can provide concentrate feed that stores high protein and carbohydrates. For example, by providing food from a mixture of refined corn, coconut mangK, and dedak.

Try giving worm medicine to goats whose appetite has decreased. This step needs to be taken if the goat is still reluctant to eat even though it has been given other or better food.

Another possibility is that goats do not want to eat because there are problems in the digestive tract. The administration of worm medicine can help treat these health problems, so that the goat's appetite can improve again. But keep in mind, give drugs with doses and drinking rules according to the instructions.

Those are some ways to deal with goats that don't want to eat. If your pet has not eaten for a few days, try applying the tips above. If the condition is severe enough or prolonged, you should contact the veterinarian to ask for treatment. Also read how to cultivate laying ducks for beginners.

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