Deploy A Team To The Field, BKSDA Learns Crocodile-Human Conflict In Mukomuko

Bengkulu - The Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA) deployed a team to take strategic steps in dealing with conflicts between crocodiles and humans in the Mukomuko Regency area. "For the time being, the team has gone to the location to study and collect what kind of information -pulbaket-chronological material," said Head of the Conservation Section Region I of the Bengkulu Natural Resources Conservation Center Said Jauhari, Wednesday, April 17, confiscated by Antara. BKSDA Bengkulu sent a team to follow up on reports regarding the presence of a resident of Tanah Harapan Village, Mukomuko City District, who died when he was attacked by an estuarine crocodile while looking for a fish in the Selagan River on Monday, April 15. He explained that his party would take strategic steps such as what it was handled, whether there was a crocodile evacuation that there was a conflict with humans involving parties related to society and villages. "Regarding the events that occurred in Mukomuko Regency, he said, there was no post-mortem whether it was being bitten by a crocodile or the person concerned drowned, had not received complete information from the hospital and puskesmas stating that the victim was bitten by a crocodile. He said, if it was true because of being bitten by a crocodile, it would mean that there were people we have been given two appeals but were not responded to by the community. "We convey information there was a crocodile in the river, for that the residents were more careful because there was a crocodile's habitat lubuk crocodile," he said.

Karena itu, lanjut dia, masyarakat harus arif menggunakan badan sungai untuk aktivitasnya agar tidak terulang kembali, tetapi kenyataannya terulang kembali peristiwa tahun 2022 juga pernah ada korban.Kepala Bidang Kedaruratan Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Mukomuko Ahmad Hidayat Syah mengatakan, korban ini bernama Ide Suprianto (27) asal Desa Sari Bulan, Kecamatan Air Dikit yang menikah dengan warga Desa Tanah Harapan."Korban meninggal dunia setelah kakinya digigit buaya, lalu satwa tersebut menghempaskan tubuh korban berkali-kali di Sungai Selagan," katanya.Ia mengatakan, saat itu korban bersama enam orang rekannya sedang mencari ikan lokan di Sungai Selagan. Korban sempat hilang selama dua jam di sungai tersebut, setelah itu rekan korban bersama dengan warga lainnya menemukan korban di pinggir sungai tersebut.