Echoing Hating Foreign Products, Jokowi: I May Not Like Foreign Products, It's Just So Crowded

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited him to love domestic products. Along with that, he also wants the call to hate foreign products to be echoed. This invitation drew reactions from various circles.

Responding to this, President Jokowi considered the invitation to be a natural action so that Indonesia would not only depend on imported products. So that the Indonesian people can prioritize domestically made products.

"Yesterday I told you to love Indonesian products, to be proud of Indonesian products and maybe we don't like foreign products. We can't dislike foreign products, maybe we don't like foreign products. I'm talking about hating foreign products, it's just so busy. We may not like foreign products, "he said at the online opening of the 2021 HIPMI Rakernas, Friday, March 5.

Furthermore, Jokowi emphasized that Indonesia should not be a victim of unfair practices from global trade. Support for domestic products must start immediately. He said, at least starting from projects undertaken by the government and BUMN.

"The pipes can be produced, many are still imported, what is that for. When using government projects, BUMN projects, I say it is not allowed and it must be started, we must really start at least from the government and BUMN, then invite the public to love Indonesian products. and do not like foreign products, "he said.

Jokowi emphasized that Indonesia is not a country that adheres to protectionism, but economic openness. Even so, we must still limit ourselves in global trade, for example in the use of imported or foreign products.

"We have to take advantage of the domestic market because there is a huge amount of 270 million and this enormous purchasing power to boost our national economy," he said.

However, Jokowi said that there are conditions for Indonesian consumer loyalty to domestic products. One of them, is the competitive price.

"If the quality is good, of course, from the producer side, they must continue to improve the quality, improve the packaging, improve the design so that they can follow the trend," he said.