A Total Of 876,876 Jabodetabek Motorcycles In And Out Of Jabodetabek On D+3 Lebaran

The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) recorded 876,876 motorbikes leaving and entering the Jabodetabek area at the moment of April 14 backflow or D+3 Lebaran 2024 M/1445 Hijriah.

"For the movement of people using motorbikes and motorbikes in and out of Jabodetabek on D+3 Lebaran, there were 876,876 vehicles and 1,753,752 people. The data was monitored from the 2024 Integrated Eid Transportation Center Post at the Ministry of Transportation Office today," said Ministry of Transportation spokesman Adita Irawati quoting Antara.

He said that this figure increased by 15.93 percent compared to the number of movements of people and motorcycles on D+3 in 2023 as many as 756,344 vehicles and 1,512,688 people.

"Up 46.20 percent when compared to the daily normal period," said Adita.

He detailed the number of motorbikes leaving Jabodetabek as many as 358,707 vehicles and 717,414 people. This number has increased by 31.13 percent compared to last year's 300,852 vehicles and 601,704 people.

"Likewise with the normal period of the daily number, it has increased by 37.18 percent," said Adita.

Meanwhile, 518,169 motorbikes entered Jabodetabek and 1,036,338 people. This number has increased by 13.76 percent when compared to 2023 of 455,492 vehicles and 910,984 people. Likewise, the daily normal period of this number has increased by 53.17 percent.

"The government has issued a circular work from home (WFH) for the state civil apparatus (ASN). For this reason, we urge people who still have longer time in their hometowns to avoid the peak time of return flow when returning to Jakarta," said Adita.

Separately, clinical nutritionist dr. Raissa Edwina Djuanda, M.Gizi, Sp. G K-AIFO reminded vehicle drivers not to drive for more than 8 hours, especially in the midst of heavy traffic conditions during the Eid holiday.

"Ideally you share your duties in driving. Determine a comfortable stopping location for rest," said Raissa when contacted in Jakarta, Monday.

Raissa, who is a member of the DKI Jakarta branch of the Indonesian Clinical Nutrition Doctors Association (PDGKI), then advised the driver to do a light stretch every two hours.

Stretching, he added, can be done for 10-15 minutes to prevent muscle fatigue. Then, every four hours, the driver can rest first, such as at the stops available on the homecoming route.

"Consumption of light meals and healthy drinks, body relaxation, visit toilets, and wash your face to make it fresher," he urged

Raissa advised the driver to listen to his body. If the body feels tired and sleepy or not focused, then you should immediately rest and don't force yourself.

Then, regarding energy drinks, Raissa does not recommend drivers who are tired of drinking. According to him, this drink only provides a temporary stimulation effect, not overcoming fatigue.

In addition, he added, consuming energy drinks when tired is a dangerous thing because it can cover drowsiness and make someone less alert while driving.

People with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease are also advised to consult a doctor first if they want to consume energy drinks.

"It is better to prioritize the safety of yourself and other passengers," said Raissa, who practices at Pondok Indah-Puri Indah Hospital.